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ALF Computer 32


The Alfy ASM language is the assembly language for the ALF32 Computer. This virtual CPU has:

  • A Harvard Architecture (Program RAM and Data RAM are separate)
  • 32 bits instructions
  • 64 registers that are 32 bits wide (r0 to r63)
  • 49 KB of RAM
  • 49 KB of Program RAM

All RAM accesses must be 4 Byte aligned


Alfy ASM is simulated using CPUSim version 4. To use the simulator:

  1. Download CPUSim version 4
  2. Download the alf_computer32.cpu
  3. Load it into the simulator

To run a simulation, you may run it in interactive or non-interactive mode.

Read the installation instructions.

Interactive Mode

To run CPUSim, open a shell and write

java -classpath .:richtextfx-fat-0.6.10.jar cpusim.Main -m alf_computer32.cpu -t file.asm

This will open the UI, load the AlfyComputer_32.cpu and the file.asm.

Non-Interactive Mode

To run CPUSim, open a shell and write

java -classpath .:richtextfx-fat-0.6.10.jar cpusim.Main -c -m alf_computer32.cpu -t file.asm

This will load the alf_computer32.cpu and run the file.asm.

Running a program

After loading a machine and a program, to run it:

  • In the menu bar, go to Execute and select Assemble & load. This will assemble the program and load it into the program memory
  • In the Menu bar, go to Execute and select Debug. This will switch the UI into debug mode. There you can select several options:
    • Start Over - restart the program
    • Go - run the program
    • Step by Instr - go forward one instruction in the program
    • Back one Instr - go back one instruction in the program

The Alfy ASM Lanaguge

Instruction Equivalent
set r1 value (16 bits) r1 = value
mov r1 r2 r1 = r2
load r1 r2 r2 = MEM [r1]
store r1 r2 MEM [r1] = r2
pload r1 r2 r2 = PMEM [r1]
pstore r1 r2 PMEM [r1] = r2
push r1 sp = sp - 4
MEM [sp] = r1
pop r1 r1 = MEM [sp]
sp = sp + 4
pushsp temp = sp
sp = sp - 4
MEM [sp] = temp
popsp sp = MEM [sp]
jmp label goto label
run label sp = sp - 4
MEM [sp] = ip
goto etiquete
ret sp = sp + 4
ip = MEM [sp]
(pseudo) label_title: label label_title
stop stop the program
add r1 r2 r3 r1 = r2 + r3
sub r1 r2 r3 r1 = r2 - r3
mul r1 r2 r3 r1 = r2 * r3
div r1 r2 r3 r1 = r2 / r3
mod r1 r2 r3 r1 = r2 mod r3
dec r1 value (unsigned 16 bits) r1 = r1 - value
inc r1 value (unsigned 16 bits) r1 = r1 + value
test r1 r2 t = r1 - r2
je label if t = 0 goto label
jne label if t != 0 goto label
jg label if t > 0 goto label
jge label if t >= 0 goto label
jl label if t < 0 goto label
jle label if t ⇐ 0 goto label
and r1 r2 r3 r1 = r2 AND r3 (bitwise, bit by bit)
or r1 r2 r3 r1 = r2 OR r3 (bitwise, bit by bit)
xor r1 r2 r3 r1 = r2 XOR r3 (bitwise, bit by bit)
shl r1 r2 (left shift) r1 = r1 « r2
shr r1 r2 (right shift) r1 = r1 » r2
read r1 r1 = read character from keyboard
write r1 write character r1 to the display
readnumber r1 r1 = read number from keyboard
writenumber r1 write number r1 to the display
alf/res/alfycomputer_32.1494315990.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/09 10:46 by alexandru.radovici
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