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ac:teme:01 [2018/11/19 16:11]
tiberiu.iorgulescu [Exercise 3 - CBC Padding Attack]
ac:teme:01 [2018/11/27 11:05] (current)
tiberiu.iorgulescu [Exercise 1 - Timing attack]
Line 3: Line 3:
 ==== Exercise 1 - Timing attack ==== ==== Exercise 1 - Timing attack ====
 +<note important>​
 +Because of some problems with timing, the exercise doesn'​t always work anymore, except for when you use very long delays. It is enough to get the first bytes right to complete the exercise. You might have to change the slow_foo() function or the number of iterations for each byte.
 In this exercise you will perform a timing attack against CBC-MAC. In this exercise you will perform a timing attack against CBC-MAC.
ac/teme/01.txt ยท Last modified: 2018/11/27 11:05 by tiberiu.iorgulescu
CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
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