Lazy Evaluation in Haskell


Lazy evaluation means that:

  1. an expression (function application) will be evaluated only when it is needed (precisely as in the Lambda Calculus's normal evaluation)
  2. an expression is evaluated only once

We illustrate point 1. via the following example:

nats = 0:(map (+1) nats)
test = foldr (\x y-> if x > 2 then 0 else x+y) 10 nats
  • First, note that nats is a recursive non-terminating expression, which will produce the list of natural numbers, until memory is depleted. To examine this, it is sufficient to call nats in the interpreter
  • Second, test is an expression which evaluates to 3, although it relies on nats for the computation:
    • let op = \x y→ if x > 2 then 0 else x+y. Then, in effect, test attempts to compute the expression:
0 op (1 op (2 op (3 op (4 op .... 
  • however, in the expression (3 op (4 op …. the value of the second operand is not used (since x>3), hence (4 op …. is not evaluated. The result is 0. Thus, test actually computes
0 op (1 op (2 op 0)) 
  • note that the value of the accumulator (10) is not actually used.

To illustrate point 2. consider:

evens = zipWith (+) nats nats
some = take 2 evens

We also recall that:

take 0 _ = []
take n (h:t) = h:(take (n-1) t)
zipWith op (x:xs) (y:ys) = (op x y):(zipWith xs ys)
zipWith _ _ _ = []

No expression is evaluated until we call some, in the interpreter. Thus, we start with the following un-evaluated expressions:

Variable Expression Value
evens ? unevaluated
some ? unevaluated
nats ? unevaluated

Upon calling some we obtain the following result which requires us to evaluate evens. This happens due to the pattern-matching definition of take, which requires a value of the form (x:xs).

evens ? unevaluated
some take 2 evens unevaluated
nats ? unevaluated

To evaluate evens, as before, the pattern-matching definition of zipWith requires the first element of nats:

evens zipWith (+) nats nats unevaluated
some take 2 evens unevaluated
nats ? unevaluated

Note that we only require x and y to evaluate zipWith in one step, hence (map (+1) nats) is not (yet) evaluated.

evens zipWith (+) nats nats unevaluated
some take 2 evens unevaluated
nats 0:(map (+1) nats) unevaluated

Thus, the evaluation of zipWith yields:

evens (0+0):zipWith (+) xs ys unevaluated
some take 2 evens unevaluated
nats 0:(map (+1) nats) unevaluated

Although we have created additional column in the table, we stress that the expressions (map (+1) nats) which appear in the body of nats, xs and ys are actually the same, and not different identical expressions. The first-step evaluation of take 2 evens is now complete:

evens (0+0):zipWith (+) xs ys unevaluated
some 0:(take 1 t) unevaluated
nats 0:(map (+1) nats) unevaluated
xs,ys (map (+1) nats) unevaluated
t zipWith (+) xs ys unevaluated

As before, note that both occurrences of zipWith (+) xs ys are actually the same expression. We continue with another step in the evaluation of take, which leads to evaluating zipWith (+) xs ys, and subsequently, xs and ys:

evens (0+0):zipWith (+) xs ys unevaluated
some 0:(take 1 t) unevaluated
nats 0:1:(map (+1) nats) unevaluated
xs,ys 1:(map (+1) nats) unevaluated
t zipWith (+) xs ys unevaluated

Note that after evaluating the expression (map (+1) nats) in one step, the expression is not re-evaluated, as shown in the table above.

evens (0+0):zipWith (+) xs ys unevaluated
some 0:(take 1 t) unevaluated
nats 0:1:(map (+1) nats) unevaluated
xs,ys 1:(map (+1) nats) unevaluated
t (1+1):zipWith (+) xs' ys' unevaluated

We have now finished the second step in the evaluation of take. We omit adding variables xs', ys' and t'.

evens (0+0):zipWith (+) xs ys unevaluated
some 0:2:(take 0 t') unevaluated
nats 0:1:(map (+1) nats) unevaluated
xs,ys 1:(map (+1) nats) unevaluated
t (1+1):zipWith (+) xs' ys' unevaluated

Now, take 0 t' evaluates to [], hence we finally get:

evens (0+0):zipWith (+) xs ys unevaluated
some 0:2:[] evaluated
nats 0:1:(map (+1) nats) unevaluated
xs,ys 1:(map (+1) nats) unevaluated
t (1+1):zipWith (+) xs' ys' unevaluated

and the evaluation stops.

Applications of normal evaluation

Dynamic programming - edit distance

Consider two strings s1 and s2. We define the edit distance between s1 and s2 as the minimal number of edit operations which make the strings identical. The allowed edit operations are:

  • character insertion (e.g. text and ext have edit distance 1)
  • character deletion (e.g. tet and text have edit distance 1)
  • character modification (e.g. text and tent have edit distance 1)

As an example, the strings maple and apple have edit distance 2:

  • we delete the first symbol from maple and obtain aple
  • we insert the symbol p at the second position in aple and obtain apple

Dynamic programming computes the edit distance between two strings by building a matrix d having size(s1)+1 lines and size(s2)+1 columns, where d[i][j] represents the edit distance between the substrings s1[0:i] and s2[0:j]:

  • d[i][0] = i for all lines (the distance between the empty string and the (sub)-string s1[0:i] is i)
  • d[0][i] = i for all columns (the distance between the empty string and the (sub)-string s2[0:i] is i)
  • if s1[i] and s2[i] coincide, then d[i][j] = d[i-1][j-1]
  • otherwise, d[i][j] is computed by applying the edit operation which minimises distance. Concretely, d[i][j] is the minimal of d[i-1][j] + 1 (delete character i from s1), d[i-1][j-1] + 1 (modify character i from s1), d[i][j-1] + 1 (insert character i in s1)

Functional implementation

Dynamic programming (for edit distance) can be efficiently implemented in Haskell, by exploiting lazyness in order to compute only those necessary distances, and only once. We first start with an example of an implementation of the infinite list of Fibonacci numbers:

fibo = 0:1:(zipWith (+) fibo (tail fibo))
