Lab 10. Algebraic Data Types

Types are an essential component in Haskell. They start with capital letters, like Int. We have multiple ways of customizing data types.

The type keyword is used to introduce type aliases (new names for already existing types). Its main role is to improve the clarity of type annotations by renaming complex types to simpler ones or providing additional context.

type Matrix = [[Int]]
type Name = String
type PhoneNumber = String
type PhoneBook = Map Name PhoneNumber

We can also create new types using the data keyword. Each type has one or more constructors (separated by | in the type's definition). Each constructor can take parameters, and the type itself may take type parameters (enabling the creation of generic types).

data BinaryDigit = Zero | One
data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
data List a = Cons a (List a) | Void
data Both a b = Both a b

To create objects of the given types, we use the constructors as if they were functions:

bDigitOne :: BinaryDigit
bDigitOne = One
maybeFive :: Maybe Int
maybeFive = Just 5
myIntList :: List Int
myIntList = Cons 1 (Cons 2 Void) 

Pattern matching can be used on any types defined with data.

listHead :: List a -> a
listHead (Cons x _) = x
listHead Void = undefined

Additionally, we can use records to give names to specific paraneters of constructors:

data Dog = Dog{ name :: String
              , breed :: String
              , age :: String

Using this syntax allows us to create objects like this:

myDog = Dog{name="Spike", breed="Golden Retriever", age = 5}

Additionally, it defines a 'getter' function for each named field:

name myDog -- "Spike"
breed myDog -- "Golden Retriever"
age myDog -- 5
The record syntax can be used for types with multiple constructors too. In this case, constructors can also share parameter names as long as the types of parameters with the same name match. Example:
data Expr = Atom Int | Add {left:: Expr, right:: Expr} | Subtract {left:: Expr, right: Expr} | ... -- here, 'left' from 'Add' needs to have the same type as 'left' from 'Subtract'

Another, more specialised, way of creating new types is the newtype keyword. It is used to create single-constructor, single-parameter types with some memory usage and access optimisations.

newtype WithIndex a = WithIndex (a, Int)

implementation details about newtype

implementation details about newtype

Let's take the following two types as examples:

data A = A Int
newtype B = B Int

data constructors are implemented as a set of pointers to the underlying parameters, so an object of type A is essentially a pointer to an Int. Accessing the underlying Int requires an indirect memory access, and we need sapce allocated for both the Int and the pointer.

newtype is represented directly by the underlying type, leading to the elimination of the indirect memory access and removes the additional memory requirement to store the pointer.

Type classes represent a similar concept to Java interfaces. They are used to group together types which have a certain behaviour. For example, all types which can be converted to a String and printed to the console belong to the Show type class.

Do not confuse type classes with the classes from the Object-Oriented paradigm. Type classes are a category of types, while OOP classes are a category of objects.

We can define a class as such:

class MyShow a where
    myShow :: a -> String

To enroll a type in this class we create an instance for it:

data BinaryDigit = One | Zero
instance MyShow BinaryDigit where
    myShow One = "1"
    myShow Zero = "0" 

Type classes allow us to place restrictions on parameter types in function definitions, other type class definitions and instaces:

showTable :: Show a => [[a]] -> String -- this function can show any table-like list-of-lists as long as the type of the elements is showable itself
showTable table = ...  -- we can freely use 'show' on each "cell" of the table 
class  (Eq a) => Ord a  where -- any type 'a' belonging to this class also needs to belong in the 'Eq' class 
  (<), (<=), (>=), (>)  :: a -> a -> Bool
  max, min              :: a -> a -> a
instance (Show a) => Show [a] where -- we define an instance for lists of all showable types
    show = ...

After the lab, you can take a look at some more cool stuff related to data types in Haskell and functional types in general:

Unboxed types


We wish to model a tournament scoring system for 1v1 games such as chess (we will not be referring to the logic of the game itself, only the scorekeeping system). The tournament will have two stages:

  • Group stage: Players are placed into $ 2^n$ groups. Each player plays against all other players in the same group. The top m players will advance to the elimination stage.
  • Elimination stage: Players are paired up to play against each other. For each matchup, the loser gets eliminated, the winner remains. The process is repeated until a single player remains.

10.1.1. Define the datatypes we will need:

data MatchResult = ??? -- the result of a match could be a Win, Loss or Draw
data Player = Player {???} -- we care about 3 things: the player's name, elo (floating point which measures the player's strength), and a list of results of past games (call it matchHistory)
data Tree a = ??? deriving Show -- A binary tree we will use to represent the elimination stage of the tournament

10.1.2. We want to be able to show a MatchResult and a Player. For this, we could do deriving Show to let GHC derive the implementations, but let's do it ourselves.

instance Show MatchResult where
instance Show Player where

10.1.3. We will want to update player match history after each match.

addResult :: MatchResult -> Player -> Player
addResult = ???

10.1.4. During the group stage of the tournament, we will require a point-based scoring system. A loss is worth 0 points, a win is worth 1, and a draw 0.5.

points :: MatchResult -> Float
points = ???

10.1.5. To determine the best players from each group, we will need to determine how many points each player scored.

score :: Player -> Float
score = ???

10.1.6. For the group stage we will need to sort the players to establish a ranking. The easiest way to do this is to define a order relationship for players, based solely on score (2 players are equal if their scores are equal, similar for greater than and less than relationships)

instance Eq Player where
  (==) = ???
instance Ord Player where
  (<=) = ???
  -- Haskell can infer implementations for all other operations if the implementation for (<=) is given. 

10.1.7. For simplicity, we will 'simulate' matches between players by looking at their elo. The player with more elo always wins.

-- return the players, updated (used for group stages) 
playGame :: Player -> Player -> (Player, Player)
playGame = ???
-- ex : playGame (Player "A" 1 []) (Player "B" 2 []) == (Player "A" 1 [Loss], Player "B" 2 [Win])
-- return the winner, and the players, all updated (used for elimination stage). In case of a draw, return any of the players instead of the winner. 
playGameWithWinner :: Player -> Player -> (Player, (Player, Player))
playGameWithWinner = ???
-- ex : playGameWithWinner (Player "A" 1 []) (Player "B" 2 []) == ((Player "A" 1 [Loss], Player "B" 2 [Win]))

10.1.8. You are given a player and a list of players, simulate a match between the player and each of the other ones. Return the player and the list of players updated with the results of the matches.

playAll :: Player -> [Player] -> (Player, [Player])
playAll = ???

10.1.9. Now, to simulate the group stage:

Simulate a single group. Each player will play against all other players exactly once.
Return a list of all players, updated to reflect the results of the matches. Hint: use playAll
playGroup :: [Player] -> [Player]
playGroup players = ???
Select the best 'm' players from the given group. (Assume the players already have their match history updated).
Return 2 lists: one containing the players which were selected and the other containing all other players.
hint: sort
selectPlayers :: [Player] -> Int -> ([Player], [Player])
selectPlayers players m = ???
Given a list of groups, simulate their matches and select the best 'm' players from each, and return 2 lists: the selected players and the rest.
playGroups :: [[Player]] -> Int -> ([Player], [Player])
playGroups groups m = ???

10.1.10. Now, we play the elimination phase (you can assume that the number of players is a power of two, so we have a full binary tree):

Given a list of players, turn each of them into a binary tree node. Then, until the list contains a single node, group all nodes in the list in pairs, simulate a match between the players at their roots, and replace each pair with a binary tree containing the winning player in the root and the two original trees as children. Only the top (closest to the root) appearence of each player is required to have up-to-date match history.

playElimination :: [Player] -> Tree Player
playElimination = ???

10.1.11. While the Tree representation may be useful, we will require the final ranking to be in a list format. For each player, keep only the top entry (which will be up-to date in terms of match history). (you can consider all player names to be unique).

eliminationResults :: Tree Player -> [Player]
eliminationResults = ??? 

10.1.12. Finally, it's time to put everything together:

  • split the players into m groups (you choose how this is done)
  • simulate the group stage, selecting n players from each group
  • simulate the elimination stage
  • return a ranking of all players, sorted in order of descending scores

note: n and m should be powers of 2 to properly create the elimination phase.

runTournament :: [Player] -> Int -> Int -> [Player]
runTournament players n m = ???

To help you in testing, here is a list of randomly-generated players:

players :: [Player]
players = [
    Player {name = "Jill Todd", elo = 69.32222, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Cara Wong", elo = 68.451675, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Travis Dunlap", elo = 49.667397, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Adam Mills", elo = 65.36233, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Josephine Barton", elo = 14.974056, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Erica Mendez", elo = 27.466717, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Derrick Simmons", elo = 11.790775, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Paula Hatch", elo = 80.039635, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Patricia Powers", elo = 61.08892, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Luke Neal", elo = 65.933014, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Jackie Stephenson", elo = 86.00121, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Bernice Nixon", elo = 2.8692048, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Brent Cobb", elo = 39.80139, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Bobbie Sanderson", elo = 81.07552, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Zachary Conner", elo = 63.88572, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Shawn Landry", elo = 7.68082, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Mabel Gentry", elo = 88.13421, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Enrique Ali", elo = 9.568502, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Clara McLaughlin", elo = 60.83427, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Jacqueline Connell", elo = 60.091232, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Jared Morgan", elo = 49.84152, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Lorraine Castaneda", elo = 34.701054, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Robin Hurd", elo = 78.33226, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Vince Dunlap", elo = 63.634525, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Elaine Winter", elo = 34.86934, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Bennie Godfrey", elo = 73.81608, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Gale Britton", elo = 16.05768, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Jeanne Mathis", elo = 34.603416, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Aida Greenwood", elo = 8.308169, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Christian Witt", elo = 80.397675, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Cecelia Dyer", elo = 80.657974, matchHistory = []},
    Player {name = "Edwin Gallagher", elo = 14.976497, matchHistory = []}]