4. Regular expressions


$ A=\{ 0^{2k} \mid k \geq 1 \}$

$ B = \{0, \epsilon \}$
$ AB = ? $

4.1.2. $ A = \{ 0^n 1^n \mid n \geq 1 \}$
$ B = \{ 1^n \mid n \geq 1 \} $
$ AB = ? $
$ BA = ? $

4.1.3. $ A = \emptyset $
$ B = \{ 1^n \mid n \geq 1 \} $
$ AB = ? $
$ A^* = ? $
$ B^* = ? $

4.2.1. Write a regular expression for the language of arithmetic expressions containing +, * and numbers. Hint: you can abbreviate $ 0 \cup 1 \cup \ldots \cup 9 $ by $ [0-9] $

4.2.2. Write a regular expression for $ L = \{ \omega \text{ in } \text{{0,1}} ^* \text{ | EVERY sequence of two or more consecutive zeros appears before ANY sequence of two or more consecutive ones} \} $

4.2.3. Write a DFA for $ L(( 10 \cup 0) ^* ( 1 \cup \epsilon )) $

4.2.4. Write a regular expression which generates the accepted language of A:

4.2.5. Simplify the regular expression you found.

4.2.6. Describe as precisely as possible the language generated by $ (1 \cup 1(01^*0)1)^*$

Inheritance and isinstance

Python supports multiple class inheritance, however, in the spirit of it's dynamical typing strategy, it does not enforce method implementation. Hence - interfaces or abstract classes do not exist per se.

The following example illustrates class inheritance, as well as isinstance:

class Point2D:
	# the class constructor.
	def __init__(self,x,y):
		self.x = x
		self.y = y
	def fun(self,a):
		return a+1
# class Point3D inherits Point2D
class Point3D(Point2D):
	def __init__(self,x,y,z):
		# using super, we call the parent class constructor
		# an alternative syntax with the same effects:
		# super(Point3D,self).__init__(x,y)
		self.z = z
	def fun(self,a):
		return a + 2
p = Point3D(1,2,3)
# another illustration of super - we use it to call fun from the parent class.
# super(X,O).f() will call function f from the __parent__ of type X, of object O.
# usage of isinstance to see if an object is an instance of a class (or it's parent)
if isinstance(p,Point3D):
if isinstance(p,Point2D):

4.3.1. Write a class hierarchy for Regular Expressions, and add the str function for each of them. Implement a constructor which reads a Regular Expression in Prenex form, from a string. The prenex form is illustrated below via examples:

# a*
s = "STAR a"
# ab
s = "CONCAT a b"
# a U b
s = "UNION a b"
# (a U b)*c*


  • To properly read a regular expression, you need a state of the parsing process, as well as information about what was parsed. What kind of data-structure is necessary for this step? This data-structure will be widely-used later, when we discuss Push-down Automata.

More hints

More hints

The following table illustrates the string parsing and stack contents (ADT style) for the last example.

String contents Stack
STAR UNION a b STAR c Push(Concat(?,?),Void)
UNION a b STAR c Push(Star(?), Push(Concat(?,?),Void))
a b STAR c Push(Union(?,?), Push(Star(?), Push(Concat(?,?),Void)))
b STAR c Push(a, Push(Union(?,?), Push(Star(?), Push(Concat(?,?),Void))))
b STAR c Push(Union(a,?), Push(Star(?), Push(Concat(?,?),Void)))
STAR c Push(b, Push(Union(a,?), Push(Star(?), Push(Concat(?,?),Void))))
STAR c Push(Union(a,b), Push(Star(?), Push(Concat(?,?),Void)))
STAR c Push(Star(Union(a,b)), Push(Concat(?,?),Void)))
STAR c Push(Concat(Star(Union(a,b)),?),Void)))
c Push(Star(?),Push(Concat(Star(Union(a,b)),?),Void))))
Push(c, Push(Star(?),Push(Concat(Star(Union(a,b)),?),Void)))))

The string has been consumed and the stack holds one expression, thus the result is: Concat(Star(Union(a,b)),Star©).

4.4.1. Implement the ADT Regex.

4.4.2. Enrol the type in class Show.

4.4.3. Write a function which takes a string containing a regex in prenex form (see the Python exercises) and returns a Regex. *Hint: use two mutually recursive functions and see the hints regarding the stack from the Python implementation section.