Context-Free Grammars

Regular expressions are insufficient in describing the structure of complicated languages (e.g. programming languages). We recall our previously-used example: simple arithmetic expressions with parentheses.

<expr> ::= <atom> | <expr> + <expr> | (<expr>)

This language is not regular, however it can be described via a generator object called (context-free) grammar (short CFG).

Definition (CFG):

A CFG is a 4-tuple: $ G=(V,\Sigma,R,S)$ where:

  • $ V$ is a finite set whose elements are called non-terminals and terminals
  • $ \Sigma\subseteq V$ is the set of terminals
  • $ R$ is a relation over $ (V\setminus\Sigma)\times V^*$ . Here $ V\setminus\Sigma$ is the set of non-terminals and $ V^*$ is the set of words over $ V$ . An element of $ R$ is called production rule. We explain productions below.
  • $ S\in V\setminus\Sigma$ is the start symbol.

As an example, consider the following CFG $ G$ , where:

  • $ V=\{S\}$
  • $ \Sigma=\{a,b\}$
  • $ R=\{S\rightarrow aSb, S\rightarrow \epsilon\}$

This grammar contains a single non-terminal $ S$ , which is also the start symbol. Production rules are written as follows:

$ \displaystyle X \rightarrow Y$

where $ X$ is a non-terminal and $ Y$ is a string containing terminal and non-terminal symbols. Our grammar has two production rules:

  • $ S\rightarrow aSb$
  • $ S\rightarrow \epsilon$

We can also write production rules of the form:

$ \displaystyle X \rightarrow Y_1, \ldots X \rightarrow Y_n $

in the more compact form:

$ \displaystyle X \rightarrow Y_1 \mid \ldots \mid Y_n $

In our example, we can write:

$ S\rightarrow aSb \mid \epsilon$ .

As a general convention, we use italic uppercase symbols to designate non-terminals, and lowercase symbols (or occasionally, typewriter symbols e.g. $ \texttt{A}$ ) - for terminals. At the same time, $ S$ is always used to designate the start-symbol. Under this convention, we can completely define a grammar by giving the set of productions only.

For instance, we can define a CFG for expressions as follows:

$ S \rightarrow S + S \mid (S) \mid A$

$ A \rightarrow UVT$

$ U \rightarrow \texttt{A} \mid \ldots \mid \texttt{Z}$

$ V \rightarrow LV \mid \epsilon$

$ L \rightarrow \texttt{a} \mid \ldots \mid \texttt{z}$

$ T \rightarrow DT \mid \epsilon$

$ D \rightarrow \texttt{0} \mid \ldots \mid \texttt{1}$

We have preserved the same convention for atoms: they must start with an uppercase, followed by zero-or-more lowercase symbols, and then zero-or-more digits.

(Context-Free) Grammars are the corner-stone for writing parsers.

Let $ \alpha A\beta$ and $ \alpha\gamma\beta$ be strings from $ V^*$ , where $ A$ is a non-terminal. Also, suppose we have a production $ A\rightarrow\gamma$ in a CFG $ G$ . Then we say:

$ \alpha A\beta \Rightarrow_G \alpha\gamma\beta$

and read that $ \alpha\gamma\beta$ is a one-step derivation of $ \alpha A\beta$ . The relation over strings $ \Rightarrow_G$ is very similar in spirit to $ \vdash_M$ . We omit the subscript when the grammar $ G$ is understood from context, and write $ \Rightarrow^*$ to refer to the reflexive and transitive closure of $ \Rightarrow$ . $ \Rightarrow^*$ is the zero-or-more steps derivation relation.

As an example, consider the grammar for arithmetic expressions, and the following derivation:

$ S\Rightarrow (S)\Rightarrow(S+S)\Rightarrow(A+S)\Rightarrow(A+(S+S))\Rightarrow(A+(A+S))\Rightarrow(A+(A+A))$

Hence, we have $ S\Rightarrow^*(A+(A+A))$ .

Notice that the string $ (A+(A+A))$ contains non-terminals. One possible derivation for $ A$ is:

$ A\Rightarrow UVT\Rightarrow \texttt{X}VT\Rightarrow\texttt{X}T\rightarrow\texttt{X}DT\rightarrow\texttt{X0}T\rightarrow\texttt{X0}$

Similarly, we may write derivations that witness: $ A\Rightarrow^*\texttt{Y}$ and $ A\Rightarrow^*\texttt{Z}$ .

and finally: $ S\Rightarrow^*(A+(A+A))\Rightarrow^*(\texttt{X0}+(\texttt{Y}+\texttt{Z}))$ . Notice that $ (\texttt{X0}+(\texttt{Y}+\texttt{Z}))$ contains only terminal symbols.

Definition (Language of a grammar):

For a CFG $ G$ , the language generated by G is defined as: $ L(G)=\{w\in\Sigma^*\mid S\Rightarrow^*_G w\}$

Informally, $ L(G)$ is the set of words that be obtained via zero-or-more derivations from $ G$ .

If a language is generated by a CFG, then it is called a context-free language.

Informally, a parse tree is an illustration of sequences of derivations. We illustrate a parse tree for $ (A+(A+A))$ below:

    /  |  \
   (   S   )
     / | \
    S  +  S
    |   / | \
    A  (  S  )
        / | \
       S  +  S
       |     |
       A     A

Notice that there is not a one-to-one correspondence between a sequence of derivations and a parse-tree. For instance, we may first derive the left-hand side of +, or the right-hand side. However, a parse-tree uniquely identifies the set of of productions used in the derivation and how they are applied.

The construction rules for parse trees are as follows:

  • the root of the tree is the start symbol
  • each interior node $ X$ having as children nodes $ Y_1, \ldots, Y_n$ corresponds to a production rule $ X\rightarrow Y_1 \ldots Y_n$
  • if each leaf is a terminal, then the parse-tree yields a word of $ L(G)$ .

For instance, the following parse-tree:

  / | \
 a  S  b
  / | \
 a  e  b

yields the word $ aabb$ , which is obtained by concatenating each terminal leaf from left to right.

Parse-trees are especially useful for parsing, because they reveal the structure of a parsed program (or word in general).

It is only natural that we require the program structure to be unique. However, it is quite easy to find grammars where the same word has different parse trees as yield.

Consider the following CFG: $ S \rightarrow S + S \mid S * S \mid \texttt{a}$

and the word: $ a+a*a$ has different parse trees:

  / | \
 S  +  S
 |   / | \
 a  S  *  S
    |     |
    a     a 


    / | \
   S  *  S
 / | \   |
S  + S   a
|    |
a    a

Incidentally, these two different structures reflect different interpretations of our arithmetic expression. Thus, our grammar is ambiguous. In general, a grammar is ambiguous if there exist two different parse trees for the same word.

To remove ambiguity in our example, it is sufficient to:

  1. include precedence-rules in the grammar;
  2. enforce parsing to proceed left-to-right;

The result is:

$ S\rightarrow M + S \mid M$

$ M\rightarrow T * M \mid T$

$ T\rightarrow a$

The first production rule enforces left-to-right parsing. Consider the alternative production: $ S \rightarrow S + S \mid M$

Via this production, a parse tree might unfold to the left ad-infinitum, depending on how the parser implementation works:

    / | \
   S  +  S
 / | \
S  +  S

By instead using:

$ S\rightarrow M + S \mid M$ , we are requiring that a suitable multiplication term be found at the left of +, while any expression may occur at it's right.

The second production describes multiplication terms. Note that, under this grammar, addition cannot appear within a multiplication term. If this is the case, we need a new production rule which includes parentheses. Can you figure how this modification should be done?

Solving ambiguity in general

Consider another example:

$ L = \{a^nb^nc^md^m \mid n,m\geq 1\} \cup \{a^nb^mc^md^n \mid n,m\geq 1\}$

This language contains strings in $ L(aa^*bb^*cc^*dd^*)$ where (number(a)=number(b) and number©=number(d)) or (number(a)=number(d) and number(b)=number©).

One possible CFG is:

$ S\rightarrow AB \mid C$

$ A\rightarrow aAb \mid ab$

$ B\rightarrow cBd \mid cd$

$ C\rightarrow aCd \mid aDc$

$ D\rightarrow bDc \mid bc$

This CFG is ambiguous: the word $ aabbccdd$ has two different parse trees:

 /   \
A     B
...  ...


 / | \
...  ...

The reason for ambiguity is that in $ aabbccdd$ both conditions of the grammar hold (number(a)=number(b)=number©=number(d)).

It is not straightforward how ambiguity can be lifted from this grammar. This particular example raises two interesting questions:

  • can we automatically lift ambiguity from any CFG?
  • how to find an unambiguous grammar for a Context-Free Language?

We cannot provide a general answer for any of the above questions. In fact:

The problem of establishing if a CFG is ambiguous is not decidable.

Also there exist context-free languages for which no unambiguous grammar exists. Our above example is such a language.

Definition (Regular grammars):

A grammar is called regular iff all its production rules have one of the following forms:

$ X \rightarrow aA$

$ X \rightarrow A$

$ X \rightarrow a$

$ X \rightarrow \epsilon$

where $ A,X$ are nonterminals and $ a$ is a terminal.


$ R\subseteq (V\setminus\Sigma)\times(\Sigma^*((V\setminus\Sigma)\cup\{\epsilon\}))$


  • each production rule contains at most one non-terminal
  • each non-terminal appears as the last symbol in the production body

As it turns out, regular grammars precisely capture regular languages:

A language is regular iff it is generated by a regular grammar. </blockquote>


Direction $ \implies$ . Suppose $ L$ is a regular language, i.e. it is accepted by a DFA $ M=(K,\Sigma,\delta,q_0,F)$ . We build a regular grammar $ G$ from $ M$ . Informally, each production of $ G$ mimics some transition of $ M$ . Formally, $ G=(V,\Sigma,R,S)$ where:

  • $ V = K \cup \Sigma$ - the set of non-terminals is the set of states, and the set of terminals is the set of symbols;
  • $ S = q_0$ - the start-symbol corresponds to the start state;
  • for each transition $ \delta(q,\texttt{c})=p$ , we build a production rule $ q\rightarrow \texttt{c}p$ . For each final state $ q\in F$ , we build a production rule $ q\rightarrow \epsilon$

The grammar is obviously regular. To prove $ L(M)=L(G)$ , we must show:

for all $ w=c_1\ldots c_n\in\Sigma^*$ , $ (q_0,c_1\ldots c_n)\vdash_M^* (p,\epsilon)$ with $ p\in F$ , iff $ p_0\Rightarrow_G^* c_1\ldots c_np$ , where we recall that $ p$ is a non-terminal for which the production rule $ p\rightarrow \epsilon$ exists.

The above proposition can be easily proven by induction over the length of the word $ w$ .

Direction $ \Leftarrow$ . Suppose $ G=(V,\Sigma,R,S)$ is a regular grammar. We build an NFA $ M=(K,\Sigma,\Delta,q_0,F)$ whose transitions mimic production rules:

  • $ K = (V\setminus \Sigma) \cup \{p\}$ : for each non-terminal in $ G$ , we build a state in $ M$ . Additionally, we build a final state.
  • $ q_0 = S$
  • $ F=\{p\}$
  • for each production rule $ A\rightarrow cB$ in $ G$ , where $ B$ is a non-terminal and $ c\in\Sigma^*$ , we build a transition $ (A,c,B)\in\Delta$ . Also, for each transition $ A\rightarrow c$ , with $ c\in\Sigma^*$ , we build a transition $ (A,c,p)\in\Delta$ .

We must prove that:

for all $ w=c_1\ldots c_n\in\Sigma^*$ , we have $ S\Rightarrow_G^* c_1\ldots c_n$ iff $ (q_0,c_1\ldots c_n)\vdash_M^*(p,\epsilon)$ .

The proof is similar to the above one.

The theorem also shows that Context-Free Languages are a proper superset of Regular Languages.