Lazy evaluation

1. Consider the following recurrence scheme described informally below. Use it to build the sequence $ 1, 2, \ldots, n!, \ldots$

     4  4*5   4*5*6  ...
  3  3  3     3
  3 3*4 3*4*5 3*4*5*6 ...    

2. Define the sequence $ 1, \frac{1}{2}, \ldots, \frac{1}{k!}, \ldots $

3. Write a function which takes a sequence $ (a_n)_{n\geq 0}$ and computes the sequence $ (s_n)_{n\geq 0}$ where $ s_k = \sum_{k\geq 0} a_k$ . Use a strategy similar to that from exercise 1.

4. Write the stream of approximations of $ e$ details .

5. Write a function which takes a value $ d$ , a sequence of approximations $ (a_n)_{n\geq 0}$ and returns that value $ a_k$ from the sequence which satisfies the condition $ \mid a_k - a_{k+1}\mid \leq d$

6. Write a function which takes an $ f$ , a value $ a_0$ and computes the sequence $ a_0, f(a_0), f(f(a_0)), \ldots$

7. The sequence $ (a_n)_{n\geq 0}$ defined as $ a_{k+1} = (a_k + \frac{n}{a_k})/2$ , will converge to $ \sqrt{n}$ as $ k$ approaches infinity. Use it to write a function which approximates $ \sqrt{n}$ within 3 decimals.

8. The diagram below illustrates the approximation of an integral of a continuous function $ f$ between two points $ a$ and $ b$ . The simplest approximation is the area of the rectangle defined by points $ a$ and $ b$ on the $ Ox$ axis, and points $ f(a)$ and $ f(b)$ .

To determine a better approximation, the interval $ $ [ [a,b] ] is broken in half and we add up the areas of the rectangles:

  1. $ a,m,f(a),f(m)$ and
  2. $ m,b,f(m),f(b)$
f m|. . . . . . .  --------
   |              / '      \   
   |             /  '       \  f    
f b|. . . . . . /. .'. . . . .-------     
   |       -----    '         '
f a|. . . /         '         '
   |     /          '         '
   |    / '         '         '
   |   /  '         '         '
   ------------------------------>  Ox
          a         m         b

The process can be repeated by recursively dividing up intervals. Write the a function integral which computes the sequence of approximations of $ \int_a^b f(x)$ .

integral :: (Float -> Float) -> Float -> Float -> [Float]

9. It is likely that your implementation will recompute (unnecessarily) the values $ f(a), m, f(m), f(b)$ in recursive steps. Write an alternative implementation which avoids this.

10. Consider a representation of maps (with obstacles as follows):

l1="   #     "
l2=" #   # # "
l3=" # ### # "
l4=" #     # "
l5=" ####### "
l6="         "
data Map = Map [String]
instance Show Map where
  show (Map m) = "\n" ++ foldr (\x acc->x++"\n"++acc) [] m   
m = Map [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6]
type State = (Int,Int)

Write the function at which returns the value of the position x,y in the map:

at :: Map -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Char

11. Define a function which computes, for a given position, the list of valid next positions (a valid position is one that is on the map, and it is not a wall, i.e. a #). Hint, use the list [(x-1,y-1),(x-1,y),(x-1,y+1),(x,y-1),(x,y+1),(x+1,y-1),(x+1,y),(x+1,y+1)].

12. Implement the type Tree a of trees with arbitrary number of children nodes.

13. Enrol Tree in class Functor (see classes), and define the function fmap.

14. Write a function which takes a (possibly infinite) tree and returns the sub-tree where each branch is of length at most k:

take_t :: Integer -> Tree a -> Tree a

15. Implement the infinite tree of valid positions, starting from an initial one. In this tree, paths represent trails exploring the map.

make_st_tree :: Map -> State -> Tree State

16. Implement the function toMap which draws a position on the map (using the character .).

toMap :: State -> Map -> Map

17. Implement the tree of possible trails through the map:

make_map_tree :: Map -> State -> Tree Map