Table of Contents

Abstract Datatypes


An Abstract Datatype relies on functions to describe the possible values of a type. We start with a simplistic example:

data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat

Zero and Succ are called data constructors in Haskell. Nat is called a type or type-constructor. We shall distinguish between the two in a later lecture.

Note that the internal representation of an ADT, as perceived by the programmer, is abstract. We may see values as calls of special functions - data constructors. Except for their meaning (and language-level implementation), data constructors behave exactly as functions. For instance:

We continue the example with addition:

add :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
add Zero y = y
add (Succ x) y = Succ (add x y)

An important observation is that the pattern matching mechanism in Haskell relies on data constructors, and their applications. For instance, the following definition is a correct usage of the pattern matching mechanism:

f (1:y:[]) = ...

I uses the data constructors (:) and [] for lists, as well as the data constructor 1 for integers. The pattern describes any list of integers which starts with a 1 and contains exactly two elements.

Monomorphic List implementation

In what follows, we give an implementation for the type List of integers. This type is called monomorphic, since our list can only contain elements of a single type (integer):

data IList = Void | Cons Integer IList
app :: IList -> IList -> IList
app Void l = l
app (Cons h t) l = Cons h (app t l)
convert :: IList -> [Integer]
convert Void = []
convert (Cons h t) = h : (convert t)
mfoldl :: (b -> Integer -> b) -> b -> IList -> b
mfoldl op acc Void = acc
mfoldl op acc (Cons h t) = mfoldl op (op acc h) t
mfoldr :: (Integer -> a -> a) -> a -> IList -> a
mfoldr op acc Void = acc
mfoldr op acc (Cons h t) = op h (mfoldr op acc t)
convert2 :: IList -> [Integer]
convert2 = mfoldr (:) []
showl :: IList -> String
showl = show . convert2

In the above code, we have defined some basic list operations, such as app (list concatenation) and convert, which transforms a list of type IList to a conventional Haskell list (of type [Integer]).

We have also implemented the two folding procedures for IList. Note the type signature of each fold. Finally, we have used folds to provide an alternative implementation for convert, as well as for converting lists to strings.

Propositional Logic in Haskell

Abstract Datatypes are a natural way to define more elaborate data-structures, such as propositional formulae. We give a possible definition below:

data Formula = Var String | And Formula Formula | Or Formula Formula | Not Formula

We observe that:

A good exercise consists in the implementation of a display function for formulae:

fshow :: Formula -> String
fshow (Var v) = v
fshow (And f1 f2) = "("++(fshow f1)++" ^ "++(fshow f2)++")"
fshow (Or f1 f2) = "("++(fshow f1)++" V "++(fshow f2)++")"
fshow (Not f) = "~("++(fshow f)++")"

Next, we implement a function push, which pushes negation inward:

push :: Formula -> Formula
push (Var v) = (Var v)
push (Not (Var v)) = Not (Var v)
push (Not (And f1 f2)) = Or (push (Not f1)) (push (Not f2))
push (Not (Or f1 f2)) = And (push (Not f1)) (push (Not f2))
push (And f1 f2) = And (push f1) (push f2)
push (Or f1 f2) = Or (push f1) (push f2)

Notice, at lines 4,5 the implementation of deMorgan's laws.

Finally, we implement a function which computes the truth-value of a formula, under a certain interpretation. First, we define the type Interpretation:

type Interpretation = String -> Bool
i :: Interpretation
i "x" = True
i "y" = False
i "z" = True

In the first line, we have defined a type-alias: Interpretation is a function from strings to booleans. We have also implemented a three-variable interpretation, for testing purposes. Next, we implement eval:

eval :: Interpretation -> Formula -> Bool
eval i (Var v) = i v
eval i (Not f) = not(eval i f)
eval i (And f1 f2) = (eval i f1) && (eval i f2)
eval i (Or f1 f2) = (eval i f1) || (eval i f2)

Monomorphic Trees in Haskell

data ITree = Leaf | Node ITree Integer ITree

Note that:

Next, we implement a folding operation on Trees. The key to it is to conceptually define what folding should do on Trees. To grasp an intuition, recall that:

Similar to the list case, a fold on trees should:

Let us define the identity function tid for trees:

tid Leaf = Leaf
tid (Node r k l) = Node (tid r) k (tid l)

As already said, (tid t) is equivalent to the call (mtfold Node Leaf t), for any arbitrary tree t. To obtain the general mtfold implementation, we simply generalise Node by an arbitrary operation op:

We also generalise Leaf by an arbitrary accumulator:

The code generalisation becomes:

mtfold :: (b -> Integer -> b -> b) -> b -> ITree -> b
mtfold op acc = 
    let f (Node left key right) = f (f left) key (f right)
        f Leaf = acc
    in f

Notice that f is precisely the generalisation of tid according to our observations. We can use mtfold to implement various tree operations such as:

tsum = mtfold (\k r l->k + r + l) 0 
tmirror = mtfold (\k r l -> Node l k r) Leaf 
tflatten = mtfold (\k r l -> r ++ [k] ++ l) []