Table of Contents

8. Proving languages are not regular

Pumping Lemma

Let L be an infinite regular language. Then, for $\forall w \in L$, $\exists n \in \mathbf{N}$, $ |w| \ge n $, $ w = xyz $, $ |xy| \le n $ and $ y \neq \varepsilon $, such that $ \forall k \ge 0, w_{k} = xy^{k}z \in L$.

Complement of Pumping Lemma

Let L be an infinite language. If $\forall n \in \mathbf{N}$, $\exists w_{n} \in L $ with $ |w| \ge n $ such that regardless of how $ w_{n} $ is split into $ w_{n} = xyz $ with $ |xy| \le n $ and $ y \neq \varepsilon $, $\exists k \ge 0 $ such that $ w_{n} = xy^{k}z \notin L $, then L in not a regular language.

8.1. The pumping lemma

8.1.1. Show that the pumping lemma holds for finite languages.



Let L be a finite language.

Pick $ n \gt max_{w \in L} |w| $ ⇒ $ \nexists w \in L $ with $ |w| \ge n $ ⇒ Pumping Lemma holds

8.1.2.* Find a language which is not regular for which the pumping lemma holds.

8.2. Languages which are not regular

Show that each of the languages from the list below is not regular.

8.2.1. $ L = \{ \: A^n B^m \: | \: 0 \leq n \leq m \: \} $



For a fixed n, pick a word $ w_n \in L $ and $ w_n = xyz $:

$ w_n = A^nB^{n+1} $

$ x = A^a $

$ y = A^b, b \ge 1 $

$ z = A^{n-b-a}B^{n+1} $

Find k such that $ xy^kz \notin L $:

$ w_k = A^{a+b*k+n-b-a}B^{n+1} = A^{n+(k-1)b}B^{n+1} $

Pick k = 3 ⇒ $ w_3 = A^{n+2b}B^{n+1} \notin L $ because $ b \ge 1 $

⇒ Complement of Pumping Lemma holds ⇒ L is not a regular language

8.2.2. $ L = \{ \: w \in \{A,B\}^* \: | \: \#_A(w) = \#_B(w) \: \} $



For a fixed n, pick a word $ w_n \in L $ and $ w_n = xyz $:

$ w_n = A^nB^n $

$ x = A^a $

$ y = A^b, b \ge 1 $

$ z = A^{n-b-a}B^n $

Find k such that $ xy^kz \notin L $:

$ w_k = A^{a+b*k+n-b-a}B^n = A^{n+(k-1)b}B^n $

Pick k = 2 ⇒ $ w_2 = A^{n+b}B^n \notin L $ because $ b \ge 1 $

⇒ Complement of Pumping Lemma holds ⇒ L is not a regular language

8.2.3. $ L = \{(01)^n(10)^n \mid n > 0 \} $



$ w_n = (01)^n(10)^n $

Case 1:

$ x = (01)^a $

$ y = (01)^b, b \ge 1 $

$ z = (01)^{n-b-a}(10)^n $

Pick k = 2 ⇒ $ w_2 = (01)^{n+b}(10)^n \notin L $

Case 2:

$ x = (01)^a $

$ y = (01)^b0, b \ge 0 $

$ z = 1(01)^{n-b-a-1}(10)^n $

$ w_k = (01)^a((01)^b0)^k1(01)^{n-b-a-1}(10)^n $

Pick k = 2 ⇒ $ w_2 = (01)^a(01)^b0(01)^b01(01)^{n-b-a-1}(10)^n \notin L $ because it has 2 conseccutive “0”

Case 3:

$ x = (01)^a0 $

$ y = 1(01)^b, b \ge 0 $

$ z = (01)^{n-b-a-1}(10)^n $

$ w_k = (01)^a0(1(01)^b)^k(01)^{n-b-a-1}(10)^n $

Pick k = 3 ⇒ $ w_3 = (01)^a01(01)^b1(01)^b1(01)^b(01)^{n-b-a-1}(10)^n $

  • b = 0 ⇒ $ w_3 = (01)^a0111(01)^{n-b-a-1}(10)^n \notin L $
  • b > 0 ⇒ $ w_3 = (01)^a01(01)^b1(01)^b1(01)^b(01)^{n-b-a-1}(10)^n \notin L $ because there are 2 sets of consecutive “1”

Case 4:

$ x = (01)^a0 $

$ y = 1(01)^b0, b \ge 0 $

$ z = 1(01)^{n-b-a-2}(10)^n $

$ w_k = (01)^a0(1(01)^b0)^k1(01)^{n-b-a-2}(10)^n $

Pick k = 0 ⇒ $ w_0 = (01)^a01(01)^{n-b-a-2}(10)^n = (01)^{n-b-1}(10)^n \notin L$

⇒ Complement of Pumping Lemma holds ⇒ L is not a regular language

8.2.4. $ L = \{ \: w \in \{A,B\}^* \: | \: \text{w is a palindrome} \: \} $



For a fixed n, pick a word $ w_n \in L $ and $ w_n = xyz $:

$ w_n = A^nBA^n $

$ x = A^a $

$ y = A^b, b \ge 1 $

$ z = A^{n-b-a}BA^n $

Find k such that $ xy^kz \notin L $:

Pick k = 2 ⇒ $ w_2 = A^{n+b}BA^n \notin L $ because $ b \ge 1 $

⇒ Complement of Pumping Lemma holds ⇒ L is not a regular language

8.2.5. $ L = \{ \: w \in \{0\}^* \: | \: \text{the length of w is a prime number} \: \} $



For a fixed n, pick a word $ w_n \in L $ and $ w_n = xyz $:

$ w_n = 0^p, p \gt n $, p prime

$ x = 0^a $

$ y = 0^b, b \ge 1 $

$ z = 0^{p-b-a} $

Find k such that $ xy^kz \notin L $:

$ w_k = 0^{p+(k-1)b} $

Pick $ k = p+1 $ ⇒ $ w_{p+1} = 0^{p+cp} = 0^{(p+1)c} \notin L $ because $ (p+1)c $ is not a prime number

⇒ Complement of Pumping Lemma holds ⇒ L is not a regular language

8.2.6. $ L = \{ \: w \in \{0\}^* \: | \: \text{the length of w is a power of two} \: \} $



For a fixed n, pick a word $ w_n \in L $ and $ w_n = xyz $:

$ w_n = 0^{2^p}, 2^p \gt n $

$ x = 0^a $

$ y = 0^b, b \ge 1 $

$ |xy| \le n \Rightarrow |y| \lt n \lt 2^p \Rightarrow 0 < b < 2^p $

$ z = 0^{2^p-b-a} $

Find k such that $ xy^kz \notin L $:

$ w_k = 0^{2^p+(k-1)b} $

Pick $ k = 2 $ ⇒ $ w_2 = 0^{2^p+b} \notin L $ because $ 2^p < 2^p + b < 2^p + 2^p = 2^{p+1} $

⇒ Complement of Pumping Lemma holds ⇒ L is not a regular language

8.2.7. $ L = \{ \: ww^R \: | \: w\in \{0,1\}^* \} $



For a fixed n, pick a word $ w_n \in L $ and $ w_n = xyz $:

$ w_n = 0^n110^n $

$ x = 0^a $

$ y = 0^b, b \ge 1 $

$ z = 0^{n-a-b}10^n $

Find k such that $ xy^kz \notin L $:

$ w_k = 0^{n+(k-1)b}110^n $

Pick $ k = 2 $ ⇒ $ w_2 = 0^{n+b}110^n \notin L $ because $ b \ge 1 $

⇒ Complement of Pumping Lemma holds ⇒ L is not a regular language

8.3. Combining the pumping lemma with closure properties

8.3.1. Using the pumping lemma, prove that $ L = \{ \: A^nB^m \: | \: n \neq m \}$ is not a regular language.



Assume that L is a regular language.

⇒ $ L(A^*B^*) \backslash L = \{ \: A^nB^n \: | \: n \in \mathbf{N} \} $ is a regular language because set difference is a closure property.

But we have previously proved that $ \{ \: A^nB^n \: | \: n \in \mathbf{N} \} $ is not regular.

⇒ Our assumtion was wrong ⇒ L is not a regular language.