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Homework 3: 5-in-a-row

In this homework, you will implement some functionality which will allow you to design a completely functional 5-in-a-row AI. The latter will be part of homework 4.

About 5-in-a-row

The game:

Example of a winning position for X on a 5×5 board:


Example of a winning position for 0 on a 7×7 board:


Coding conventions

Coding tasks

1. Write a function which converts a string into a Board. As a helper, you can use _.splitĀ© where c is a separator string, and _.toList. The best solution is to use a combination of map calls with the above mentioned functions. A string is encoded exactly as in the examples shown above:

def makeBoard(s: String): Board = {
    def toPos(c: Char): Player =
      c match {
        case 'X' => One
        case '0' => Two
        case _ => Empty

2. Write a function which checks if a position (x,y) on the board is free. Recall that list indexing can be done using l(_). Positions are numbered from 0.

def isFree(x:Int, y:Int, b:Board):Boolean = ???

3. Write a function which returns the opponent of a player:

def complement(p: Player): Player =

4. Write a function which converts a board to a string, following the same strategy. Important: this function will be used throughout the tests. Make sure the string doesn't end with '\n'. Hint: instead of foldRight, you can use reduce which works quite similarly, but without requiring an accumulator.

def show(b: Board): String = ???

5. Write a function which returns the columns of a board:

def getColumns(b:Board): Board = ???

6. Implement the following two functions for extracting the first and second diagonal, as lines, from a board. Hint: use for comprehensions.

def getFstDiag(b:Board): Line = ???
def getSndDiag(b:Board): Line = ???

7. Implement the following functions for extracting diagonals above/below the first/second diagonal, as lines. It's not really necessary to make sure that at least 5 positions are available, for now. Hint: if one function must be implemented with element-by-element iteration, the three other can be implemented using each-other, as single-line calls.

def getAboveFstDiag(b: Board): List[Line] = ???
def getBelowFstDiag(b: Board): List[Line] = ???
def getAboveSndDiag(b: Board): List[Line] = ???
def getBelowSndDiag(b: Board): List[Line] = ???

8. Write a function which checks if a player is the winner. Hint: functions l.forall(_) and l.exists(_) may be very helpful, together with patterns.

def winner(p: Player)(b: Board): Boolean = 

9. Write a function which updates a position from the board, with a given player. The position need not be empty and you are not required to check this. Hint: re-use an inner aux-function together with take and drop.

def update(p: Player)(ln: Int, col: Int, b: Board) : Board = ??? 

10. Write a function which generates all possible next-moves for any of the two players. A next-move consists in a new board, where the player-at-hand played his move. The order in which you generate next-moves is not important.

def next(p: Player)(b: Board): List[Board] = ???

Submission rules