Table of Contents

Homework 1. Sets as functions

Problem statement

Sets are unordered collections of unique elements. There are several ways to store sets. One of them relies on characteristic functions. Such functional sets are especially useful if we expect many insert/retrieve operations and less traversals in our code.

A characteristic function of a set $ A \subseteq U$ is a function $ f: U \rightarrow \{0,1\}$ which assigns $ f(x) = 1$ for each element $ x \in A$ and $ f(x) = 0$ for each element $ x \not\in A$ .

In our implementation, $ U$ will be the set of integers, hence we shall encode only sets of integers. Hence, the type of a set will be:

Int => Boolean

For instance, the set $ \{1,2,3\}$ may be encoded by the anonymous function:

(x: Int) => (x == 1 || x == 2 || x == 3)

Also, the empty set can be encoded as:

(x: Int) => false

while the entire set of integers may be encoded as:

(x: Int) => true

1. Write a function singleton which takes an integer and returns the set containing only that integer:

def singleton(x: Int): Int => Boolean = ???

Note that singleton could have been equivalently defined as: def singleton(x: Int)(e: Int): Boolean = ???, however, the previous variant is more legible, in the sense that it highlights the idea that we are returning set objects, namely characteristic functions.

2. Write a function member which takes a set and an integer and checks if the integer is a member of the set. Note that member should be defined and called as a curry function:

def member(set: Int => Boolean)(e: Int): Boolean = ???

3. Write a function fromBounds which takes two integer bounds start and stop and returns the set $ \{start, start+1, \ldots, stop\}$ . It is guaranteed that start ⇐ stop (you do not need to check this condition in your implementation(.

def fromBounds(start: Int, stop: Int): Int => Boolean = ???

4. Write a function which performs the intersection of two sets:

def intersection(set1: Int => Boolean, set2: Int => Boolean): Int => Boolean = ???

5. Write the function which performs the union of two sets:

def union(set1: Int => Boolean, set2: Int => Boolean): Int => Boolean = ???

6. Write a function which computes the sum of all elements from a set, for given bounds. Use a tail-end recursive function:

  def sumSet(start: Int, stop: Int, set: Int => Boolean): Int = {
    def auxSum(crt: Int, acc: Int): Int = ???

7. Generalise the previous function such that we can fold a set using any binary commutative operation over integers:

  def foldSet(
               start: Int,            // bounds (inclusive)
               stop: Int,
               op: (Int, Int) => Int, // folding operation
               initial: Int,          // initial value 
               set: Int => Boolean    // the set to be folded
             ): Int = ???

8. Implement a function forall which checks if all elements in a given range of a set satisfy a predicate (condition). (Such a condition may be that all elements from given bounds are even numbers).

  def forall(
              start: Int, // start value (inclusive)
              stop: Int, // stop value (inclusive)
              condition: Int => Boolean, // condition to be checked
              set: Int => Boolean // set to be checked
            ): Boolean = ???

9. Implement a function exists which checks if a predicate holds for some element from the range of a set. Hint: it is easier to implement exists using the logical relation: $ \exists x. P(X) \iff \lnot \forall x.\lnot P(X)$ .

  /* implement a function exists, using forall */
  def exists(
              start: Int, // start value (inclusive)
              stop: Int, // stop value (inclusive)
              condition: Int => Boolean, // condition to be checked
              set: Int => Boolean // set
            ): Boolean = ???

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