Table of Contents

Lab 02 - Introduction to Turing Machines

Key concepts

  1. How is a Turing Machine (TM) defined?
  2. What is a configuration?
  3. How is the execution of a TM defined?

1. Intro

A Turing Machine consists of:

Which of the following components of an assembly language would best correspond to the above? $ K,\Sigma, \delta, q_0, F$

1. A few basic Turing Machines

1.1 What does the following TM do?

$ M=(K,\Sigma,q_0,\delta,F)$ where $ K=\{q_0,q_1,q_2\}$ , $ F=\{q_2\}$ , $ \Sigma=\{0,1,\#\}$ and $ \delta$ is defined as below:

0 1 #
$ q_0$ $ (q_0,1,R)$ $ (q_0,0,R)$ $ (q_1,0,L)$
$ q_1$ $ (q_1,0,L)$ $ (q_1,1,L)$ $ (q_2,\#,R)$

1.2 Write a TM which enters the final state only if the input is a binary encoding of an even natural number.

1.3 Write a TM which verifies if a given word over alphabet $ {A,B}$ contains the sequence ABA.

1.4 Write a TM which adds 5 to a number encoded in binary on the tape.

1.5 Write a TM which checks if a binary number x is strictly larger than y. Hint: use a separator symbol between words.

2. Algorithms and Turing Machines

How would the following algorithm be represented as a Turing Machine:

Algorithm(vector V, integer M) {
   integer s = 0
   for-each x in V
      s += x
   if (s > M)
   then  return 1
   else  return 0

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