Table of Contents

Beyond RE


In the last lecture:

In this lecture:

The complement of a problem

Definition (Complement of a problem):

Let $ f \in Hom(\mathbb{N},\{0,1\})$ . We denote by $ \overline{f}$ the problem:

$ \overline{f}(n) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 & \mbox{iff } f(n)=0\\0 & \mbox{iff } f(n)=1 \end{array} \right.$

We call $ \overline{f}$ the complement of $ f$ .

For instance, the complement of $ f_h$ is the problem which asks if a Turing Machine $ M$ does not halt for input $ w$ . We also note that $ \overline{\overline{f}} = f$ - i.e. the double complement of a problem is the problem itself.

We defi ne the class:

$ coRE = \{f \in Hom(\mathbb{N}, \{0; 1\}) \mid \overline{f} \in RE\}$

$ coRE$ contains the set of all problems whose complement is in $ RE$ .

We study the relationship between $ coRE$ and the classes $ R$ and $ RE$ .


$ RE \cap coRE = R$ .


We first show $ RE \cap coRE \subseteq R$ . Assume $ f \in RE \cap coRE$ . Hence, there exists a Turing Machine $ M$ which accepts $ f$ and a Turing Machine $ \overline{M}$ which accepts $ \overline{f}$ . We build the Turing Machine:

$ M^*(w) = \mbox{ for } i \in \mathbb{N} \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \mbox{ run } M(w) \mbox{ for } i \mbox{ steps.}\\ \mbox{ If } M(w) = 1 \mbox{, return } 1 \mbox{. Otherwise:}\\ \mbox{ run } \overline{M}(w) \mbox{ for } i \mbox{ steps.}\\ \mbox{ If } \overline{M}(w) = 1 \mbox{, return } 0 \mbox{.} \end{array} \right.$

Since $ M$ and $ \overline{M}$ will always halt when the expected result is 1, they can be used together to decide $ f$ . Hence $ f \in R$ .

Show $ R \subseteq RE \cap coRE$ as an exercise.


$ f \in R \mbox{ iff } \overline{f} \in R \mbox{.}$


The proposition follows immediately since the Turing Machine which decides $ f$ can be used to decide $ \overline{f}$ , by simply switching its output from $ 0$ to $ 1$ and $ 1$ to $ 0$ . The same holds for both directions.

Some problems which are (strictly) in coRE

First of all, the complement of the halting problem is in $ coRE$ : this follows immediately from the complement definition and the above propositions.

All problems for which we can prove $ RE$ membership are problems in $ coRE$ .

Outside coRE

Halting on all inputs

$ f_{all}(w) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 & \mbox{iff } M(w) \mbox{ halts for all } w \in \Sigma^* \\ 0 & \mbox{otherwise} \end{array} \right.$

We have already seen that $ f_{all} \not\in R$ , and we suspect that $ f_{all}\not\in RE$ . The intuitive reason is that:

We validate our intuition by proving $ f_{all}\not\in RE$ . We apply precisely the same technique as in the $ f_{all}\not\in R$ case. We choose $ \overline{f_h}\not\in RE$ , and we prove:

We must find a transformation from the input $ M,w$ of the halting complement to the input $ M'$ of $ f_{all}$ . We build $ M'$ as follows:

We prove that the transformation is correct. Direction $ \implies$ :

Direction $ \impliedby$ :

We now ask a final question:

To study this statement, we need to construct the complement of $ f_{all}$ :

$ \overline{f_{all}}(w) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 & \mbox{iff there exists } w \in \Sigma^* \mbox{ such that } M(w)=\bot \\ 0 & \mbox{otherwise} \end{array} \right.$

and then examine the question:

The intuitive answer seems to be no, because there is no known way to provide a yes answer, since here yes involves non-termination. We validate our intuition by selecting a problem which is not in $ RE$ and proving Turing-reducibility from it:

We must find a transformation from the input $ M,w$ of the halting complement to the input $ M'$ of $ \overline{f_{all}}$ . We build $ M'$ as follows:

We prove the transformation is correct. Direction $ \implies$ :

Direction $ \impliedby$ :

Studying the machine equivalence problem

Study the decidability of the problem $ f_{eq}$ from the previous lecture.

Where does $ f_{all}$ belong?

So far we have seen that $ f_{all} \not\in R, \not\in RE, \not\in coRE$ . So, where does $ f_{all}$ belong?

It is possible to construct a hierarchy of classes which capture the notion of degree of undecidability. We will give a brief and informal view of this hierarchy.

Suppose for a moment that we live in a Universe where the halting problem is decidable. Then, all problems which we reduced to it are also decidable, via the transformations that we find. More formally, this means that, in our hypothetical Universe, all problems in $ RE$ are decidable, and then also those from $ coRE$ . Are there any undecidable problems in this Universe? We have already shown that $ f_{all}$ is such a problem.

More formally, $ f_{all}$ remains undecidable, even if we assume we have an oracle which can decide the halting problem. The problem $ \overline{f_{all}}$ can be shown to be recursively-enumerable in this Universe. Construct a Turing Machine which:

Note that our machine will always terminate if there exists an input for which $ M$ does not halt since the oracle always terminate.

To conclude, in o ur Universe, $ f_{all}\in coRE$ .

There is an infinity of classes $ (co)RE^Y$ , which contain (co)-recursively enumerable problems, given an oracle from class $ Y$ . Hence, formally, $ f_{all}\in coRE^{RE}$ .

A general undecidability result (Rice's Theorem)

Proposition (Rice):

Let $ \mathcal{C} \subseteq RE$ . Given a Turing Machine $ M$ , we ask: “The problem accepted by $ M$ is in $ \mathcal{C}$ ?”. Answering this question is not in $ R$ (not decidable).

Before looking at the proof, let us examine the statement made by the theorem. Suppose $ A\subsetneq B$ . The elements of $ A$ can be interpreted as members of $ B$ with a given property. Hence, $ A$ can be identified with the property itself.

The same is the case with $ \mathcal{C}$ . It represents a property of recursively-enumerable problems. The theorem states undecidability of a very general problem.

The input of the problem is another (recursively-enumerable) problem itself, given in the form of the Turing Machine which accepts it. Note that we have no means of encoding problems as words. But a recursively-enumerable problem can be completely specified by any of its accepting Turing Machines.

The output of the problem is to decide if the given problem has property $ \mathcal{C}$ , where $ \mathcal{C}$ is arbitrary but fixed, and it is not a trivial set (the emptyset).

This decision problem is undecidable. To better understand its meaning, imagine that $ \mathcal{C}$ may stand for:

In general, verifying non-trivial (and non-structural) properties of programs (such as 'virus-like' behaviour) is undecidable.


We consider that the trivial problem $ f(n) = 0$ whose answer is $ 0$ for any instance, is not in $ \mathcal{C}$ . Since $ \mathcal{C}$ is non-empty, suppose $ f^* \in \mathcal{C}$ , and since $ f^*$  is recursively-enumerable, let $ M^*$ be the Turing Machine which accepts $ f^*$ .

We apply a reduction from a variant of $ f_{111}$ , namely $ f_x$ . $ f_x$ asks if a Turing Machine halts for input $ x$ . Suppose we can decide the membership $ f \in \mathcal{C}$ by some Turing Machine. Based on the latter, we construct a Turing Machine which decides $ f_x$ (i.e. solves the halting problem for a particular input). Let $ M_x$ be the Turing Machine which accepts $ f_x$ .


$ \Pi_M(\omega) = \mbox{ if } M_x(M) \mbox{halts, then run} M^*(\omega) \mbox{.}$

If $ f_{\Pi_M}$ is the problem accepted by $ \Pi_M$ , we show that:

$ f_{\Pi_M} \in \mathcal{C} \mbox{ iff } M_x(M) \mbox{ halts}$

$ (\Rightarrow)$ . Suppose $ f_{\Pi_M} \in \mathcal{C}$ . Then $ \Pi_M(\omega)$ cannot loop for every input $ \omega \in \Sigma^*$ . If there were so, then $ f_{\Pi_M}$ would be the trivial function always returning $ 0$ for any input, which we have assumed is not in $ \mathcal{C}$ . Thus, $ M_x(M)$ halts.

$ (\Leftarrow)$ . Suppose $ M_x(M)$ halts. Then the behaviour of $ \Pi_M(\omega)$ is precisely that of $ M^*(\omega)$ . $ \Pi_M(\omega)$ will return $ 1$ whenever $ M^*(\omega)$ will return $ 1$ and $ \Pi_M(\omega) = \perp$ whenever $ M^*(\omega) = \perp$ . Since $ f \in \mathcal{C}$ , then also $ f_{\Pi_M} \in \mathcal{C}$ .


In what follows, we look at an interesting property of recursively-enumerable problems - property which gives the name of this class of problems.

Proposition ():

A problem $ f \in Hom(\mathbb{N}, \{0, 1\})$ is recursively enumerable iff there exists a Turing Machine which can enumerate/generate all elements in $ A_f = \{w \in \mathbb{N} \mid f(n^w) = 1\}$ . Intuitively, $ A_f$ is the set of inputs of $ f$ for which the answer at hand is yes.


$ \Longrightarrow$ Suppose $ f$ is recursively-enumerable and $ M$ accepts $ f$ . We write $ w_i$ to refer to the ith word from $ \Sigma^*$ . We specify the $ TM$ generating $ A_f$ by the following pseudocode:

Algorithm ($ GEN()$ ):

$ \mbox{static } A_f = \emptyset \mbox{;}$

$ k=0 \mbox{;}$

$ \mathbf{while} \mbox{ } \mathit{True} \mbox{ } \mathbf{do}$

$ \quad \mathbf{for} \mbox{ } 0 \leq i \leq k \mbox{ } \mathbf{do}$

$ \quad \quad \mbox{run } M(w_i) \mbox{;}$

$ \quad \quad \mathbf{if} \mbox{ } M(w_i) \mbox{ } halts \mbox{ } before \mbox{ } k \mbox{ } steps \mbox{ } and \mbox{ } i \notin A_f \mbox{ } \mathbf{then}$

$ \quad \quad \quad A_f = A_f \cup \{ w_i \};$

$ \quad \quad \quad \mathbf{return} \mbox{ } w_i;$

$ \quad \quad \mathbf{end}$

$ \quad \mathbf{end}$

$ \quad k=k+1;$

$ \mathbf{end}$

The value of $ k$ from the for has a two-fold usage. First, it is used to explore all inputs $ w_i : 0 \leq i \leq k$ . Second, it is used as a time-limit for $ M$ . For each $ w_i$ we run $ M(w_i)$ , for precisely $ k$ steps. If $ M(w_i) = 1$ in at most $ k$ steps, then $ w_i$ is added to $ A_f$ , and then returned (written on the tape). Also, $ w_i$ is stored for a future execution of $ GEN$ . If $ M(w_i) = 1$ for some $ w_i$ , then there must exist a $ k : k \geq i$ such that $ M(w_i)$ halts after $ k$ steps. Thus, such a $ k$ will eventually be reached.

$ \Longleftarrow$ Assume we have the Turing Machine $ GEN$ which generates $ A_f$ . We construct a Turing Machine $ M$ which accepts $ f$ . $ M$ works as follows:

Algorithm ($ M(w)$ ):

$ A_f=\emptyset, \mbox{ } n=0;$

$ \mathbf{while} \mbox{ } w \notin A_f \mbox{ } \mathbf{do}$

$ \quad v=GEN();$

$ \quad A_f = A_f \cup \{ v \};$

$ \mathbf{end}$

$ \mathbf{return} \mbox{ } 1;$

$ M$ simply uses $ GEN$ to generate elements in $ A_f$ . If $ w \in A_f$ , if will eventually be generated, and $ M$ will output $ 1$ . Otherwise $ M$ will loop. Thus $ M$ accepts $ f$ .

The Proposition is useful since in some cases, it may be easier to find a generator for $ f$ , instead of an accepting Turing Machine.