===== Books ===== --> Algorithms and Complexity Theory# * [[aa:team | Main]] * [[aa:intro:rules|Regulament]] * [[aa:guidelines|Guidelines]] * Lectures: * [[aa:lecture1|Introduction and Turing Machines]] * [[aa:lecture2|Computing]] * Labs: * [[aa:lab:0|Math recap]] * [[aa:lab:1|Turing Machines]] * [[aa:lab:2|Computing]] * [[aa:lab:3|Turing Reductions]] * [[aa:lab:4|More Turing Reductions]] * [[aa:lab:5|Notații Asimptotice]] * [[aa:lab:6|Probleme "Dificile"]] * [[aa:lab:8|Reduceri polinomiale]] * [[aa:lab:9|P, NP, NPC, NPH]] * [[aa:lab:10|Recurențe]] * [[aa:lab:11|Analiză Amortizată]] * [[aa:lab:12|TDA-uri și inducție structurală]] <-- --> Formal Languages and Automata# * [[lfa:2022:sidebar | LFA 2022-2023]] * [[lfa:2023:team | Echipa ]] * [[lfa:2023:intro:rules | Regulament ]] * Lectures * [[lfa:2023:c01 | 1. ???]] * Labs * [[lfa:2023:lab01 | 1. Programming introduction - Python]] * [[lfa:2023:lab02 | 2. DFA and Regex intro]] * [[lfa:2023:lab03 | 3. Regex practice]] * [[lfa:2023:lab04 | 4. Regex to DFA]] * [[lfa:2023:lab05 | 5. DFA minimisation]] * [[lfa:2023:lab06 | 6. DFA to Regex]] * [[lfa:2023:lab07 | 7. Closure properties]] * [[lfa:2023:lab08 | 8. Pumping lemma]] * [[lfa:2023:lab09 | 9. Context-Free Languages]] * [[lfa:2023:lab10 | 10. CFG to PDA; Lexers]] * [[lfa:2023:proiect | Proiect ]] * [[lfa:2023:proiect_coding_style | Coding Style ]] * [[lfa:2023:bonus | Bonus ]] <-- --> Programming Paradigms# * [[pp:2023:sidebar | PP 2022-2023]] * [[pp:2024:team | Team ]] * [[pp:2024:rules | Rules ]] * [[pp:2024:plagiarism | Plagiarism]] * Resurse * [[pp:scala-environment | Scala Environment]] * [[https://docs.scala-lang.org/cheatsheets/ | Scala Cheatsheet]] * [[pp:haskell-environment | Haskell Environment]] * [[pp:hoogle | Ghid de utilizare Hoogle]] * [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n6_OGQzsFin35DBabWFnbIUyv66cR68B/view | Haskell Cheatsheet]] * Lecture /* * [[pp:2024:scala:curs02 | C02: Functii recursive]] * [[pp:2024:haskell:curs09 | C09: Introducere in Haskell]] */ * Labs * [[pp:2024:scala:ide| L00: Scala Environment Setup]] * [[pp:2024:scala:l01| L01: Recursivity in Scala]] * [[pp:2024:scala:l02| L02: High Order Functions]] * [[pp:2024:scala:l03| L03: Lists in Scala]] * [[pp:2024:scala:l04| L04: Data types in Scala]] * [[pp:2024:scala:l05| L05: Variance and Implicits]] * [[pp:2024:scala:l06| L06: For expressions]] * [[pp:2024:l07| L07: Lambda Calculus]] * [[pp:2024:l08| L08: Introduction to Haskell]] * [[pp:2024:l09| L09: Lazy Evaluation]] * [[pp:2024:l10| L10: Data types in Haskell]] * [[pp:2024:l11| L11: Functors & Monads]] * Homework * [[pp:2024:tema1 | Homework 1]] * [[pp:2024:tema2 | Homework 2]] * [[pp:2024:tema3 | Homework 3]] <-- --> Functional Programming# /* * [[fp2022 | Functional Programming 2022]] */ * [[fp2023 | Functional Programming 2023]] * [[fp:2024:team | Team ]] * [[fp:2024:rules | Rules ]] * [[fp:2024:plagiarism | Plagiarism ]] * [[fp2024:hw1 | Homework 1]] * [[fp2024:hw2 | Homework 2]] * [[fp2024:hw3 | Homework 3]] * [[fp2024:hw4 | Homework 4]] --> Lecture notes# * TBA <-- --> Labs# * [[fp2023:lab01 | Lab 01: Scala IDEs]] * [[fp2024:lab02 | Lab 02: Recursive functions]] * [[fp2024:lab03 | Lab 03: Higher-order functions]] * [[fp2024:lab04 | Lab 04: Algebraic datatypes]] * [[fp2024:lab05 | Lab 05: OO vs Functional decomposition]] * [[fp2024:lab06 | Lab 06: List applications]] * [[fp2024:lab07 | Lab 07: Polymorphism]] * [[fp2024:lab08 | Lab 08: Matrices]] <-- <--