===== L10. List and Datatypes and Functional data representation ===== Objectives: * get familiar with **pattern matching** lists, as well as common list operations from Scala and how they work * get familiar with common **higher-order functions** over lists (partition, map, foldRight, foldLeft, filter) * learn about data types in Scala * Use the knowledge in real world scenarios such as using sockets or iterating through the filesystem ==== I. Common list operations ==== **1.1.1.** Write a function which returns true if a list of integers has at least k elements. Use patterns. def atLeastk(k: Int, l: List[Int]): Boolean = { if (k == 0) ??? else ??? } **1.1.2.** Write a function which returns the first ''n'' elements from a given list. The function should not be implemented as tail-recursive. def take(n: Int, l: List[Int]): List[Int] = ??? //take(3,List(1,2,3,4,5)) = List(1,2,3) **1.1.3.** Write a function which takes a predicate ''p: Int => Boolean'', a list ''l'' and returns a sublist of ''l'' containing those elements for which ''p'' is true. The function should be **curried**. def takeP(p: Int => Boolean)(l: List[Int]): List[Int] = ??? //takeP(_%2 == 0)(List(1,2,3,4,5,6)) = List(2,4,6) **1.1.4.** Write a function which uses a predicate to partition (split) a list. def part(p: Int => Boolean)(l: List[Int]): (List[Int], List[Int]) = ??? // part(_%2 == 0)(List(1,2,3,4,5,6)) = (List(2,4,6),List(1,3,5)) ==== 1.2. Gradebooks ==== More general implementation of ''taken'', ''dropn'' and ''part'' are already implemented in Scala and can be used as member functions of lists. Examples are shown below: val l = List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) l.take(3) l.drop(3) l.partition(_%2 == 0) In what follows, we shall encode a gradebook as a list of pairs ''(,)'', where '''' is a String and '''' is an Int. Example: val gradebook = List(("G",3), ("F", 10), ("M",6), ("P",4)) To make the type signatures more legible, we can introduce type aliases in Scala: type Gradebook = List[(String,Int)] //the type Gradebook now refers to a list of pairs of String and Int Add this type alias to your code before solving the following exercises. **1.2.1.** Find the average grade from a gradebook. You must use ''foldRight''. def average(g: Gradebook): Double = ??? **1.2.2.** Write a function which takes a gradebook and returns the percentage of failed vs. passed students, as a pair (x,y). def percentage(g: Gradebook): (Double,Double) = ??? **1.2.3.** Write a function which takes a gradebook and returns the list of names which have passed. Use filter and map from Scala. def pass(g: Gradebook): List[String] = ??? **1.2.4.** Implement a sorting algorithm such as merge sort (in ascending order) over gradebooks: def mergeSort(l: Gradebook): Gradebook = { def merge(u: Gradebook, v: Gradebook): Gradebook = ??? ??? } **1.2.5** Using [[https://www.scalatest.org/user_guide/using_assertions|assertions]] check that our merge sort implementation returns the same lists as the [[https://blog.knoldus.com/sorting-in-scala-using-sortedsortby-and-sortwith-function/|stor]] from Scala. ===== II. Functional data representation ===== ==== 2.1. Nats === Consider the following toy implementation of the type ''Nat'' which encodes natural numbers. trait Nat {} case object Zero extends Nat {} case class Succ(n: Nat) extends Nat {} For instance, ''3'' will be encoded as the value: ''Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero)))''. **2.1.1.** Write a function which implements addition over Nats: def add(n: Nat, m: Nat): Nat = ??? **2.1.2.** Write a function which converts a ''Nat'' to an ''Int'': def toInt(n: Nat): Int = ??? **2.1.3.** Write a function which converts an ''Int'' to a ''Nat''. def fromInt(i: Int): Nat ==== 2.2. Binary Search Trees === In a [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search_tree| binary search tree (BST)]], the key of the current node, is always: * **smaller** or equal than **all** keys in the **right** sub-tree. * **larger** or equal than **all** keys in the **left** sub-tree. Consider a binary search tree with keys as integers, encoded as follows: trait ITree {} case object Empty extends ITree case class INode(key: Int, left: ITree, right: ITree) extends ITree **2.2.1.** Create the tree shown below: val tree = ??? /* 5 / \ 2 7 / \ \ 1 3 9 */ **2.2.2.** Implement the method ''size'' which determines the number of non-empty nodes from the BST. **2.2.3.** Define the method ''contains'', which checks if a given integer is a member of the BST. **2.2.4.** Implement the method ''ins'' which inserts a new integer in the BST. **Note:** the insertion must return a new BST (the //binary search tree// property mentioned above must hold after insertion). **2.2.5.** Implement a method ''depth'' which returns the maximal depth of a BST. Hint: use the method: ''_.max(_)''. **(!) 2.2.6.** Implement a method ''minimum'' which returns the smallest integer from a BST. (If the tree is empty, we return -1). Hint: use the example above, to guide your implementation. **(!) 5.2.7.** Implement a method ''successor(k)'' which returns **the smallest** integer from the BST, which is **larger** than ''k''. Use the following examples for your implementation: 5 t.successor(2) = 5 / \ t.successor(5) = 6 2 7 t.successor(7) = 8 / \ 6 8 ==== III. Scala in practice ==== **3.1** Write a function reads the contents of a directory and returns True if a given file is in the folder. **3.2** Look into [[http://jsuereth.com/scala-arm/sockets.html|this example]] and implement a client and echo server using sockets (we are using the Java classes). **3.3** In the client, send a list to the server. The server will return the maximum number from that list.