====== L08. Typeclasses ====== {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {- (A) Ad-hoc polymorphism: "Ad-hoc polymorphism is obtained when a function works, or appears to work, on several different types (which may not exhibit a common structure) and may behave in unrelated ways for each type." – Strachey 1967 (B) Subtype polymorphism: A type S (subtype) is related to another type T (supertype) by some notion of substitutability, meaning that functions written to operate on elements of type T(supertype), can also operate on elements of type S (subtype) (C) parametric polymorphism: Functions or datatypes can be defined generically, so that they can work "identically" on families of types, without depending on them. Examples: list operations such as: - length, reverse, map, should work in the same way, no matter if they are lists of integers, string, char, etc. -} data TList = Void | Cons Char TList data Tree = TVoid | Node Tree Char Tree -- tshow :: a -> String -- different implementations of tshow are necessary class TShow a where -- TShow is a family of types a which have something in common: tshow :: a -> String -- function tshow may be called on them instance TShow TList where -- type TList is a member of class TShow (hence it is Show-able) tshow Void = "[]" tshow (Cons x xs) = x:':':(tshow xs) instance TShow Tree where tshow TVoid = "" tshow (Node l k r) = "<"++(tshow l)++[k]++(tshow r)++">" -- In Haskell we have a predefined class Show, which works exactly as the above. -- we make ADT values show-able by enrolling them in class Show, or by using: -- deriving Show. data List a = PVoid | PCons a (List a) -- instance Show (List a) where -- this definition will not work as type a must be itself show-able instance (Show a) => Show (List a) where -- type constraint show PVoid = "[]" show (PCons x xs) = (show x)++":"++(show xs) -- a specific show method defined somewhere for x -- our recursive definition of this particular show -- exercise: enroll functions in class Show. instance Show (a->b) where show f = "Function" -- equality of types: instance Eq TList where Void == Void = True Cons x xs == Cons y ys = x == y && xs == ys -- minimal definition. \= is implemented relying on == -- read the docs: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base- -- exercise: enroll type List a in class eq -- class Num: enrolling String and making (+) as concatenation instance Num String where (+) = (++) -- it works but there may be problems with other implementations. -- Most used classes: -- Show, Eq, Num, Ord -- Foldable - discussed in the next lecture -- when to use type-classes -- ::= | | + type Value = Integer type Variable = String data AritmExpr = AVal Value | AVar Variable | Plus AritmExpr AritmExpr deriving Show a = (AVal 1) `Plus` (AVar "x") -- ::= == | ! | && data BoolExpr = Equals AritmExpr AritmExpr | BNot BoolExpr | And BoolExpr BoolExpr deriving Show b = ((AVal 1) `Plus` (AVal 2)) `Equals` (AVal 2) -- we ignore variables for now. We need to add a mapping for them eval_aritm_expr :: AritmExpr -> Integer eval_aritm_expr (AVal v) = v eval_aritm_expr (Plus e e') = foldr (+) 0 $ map eval_aritm_expr [e,e'] eval_bool_expr :: BoolExpr -> Bool eval_bool_expr (Equals e e') = (eval_aritm_expr e) == (eval_aritm_expr e') eval_bool_expr (BNot e) = not $ eval_bool_expr e eval_bool_expr (And e e') = (eval_bool_expr e) && (eval_bool_expr e') -- code becomes heavy and we need to keep track of which function evaluates each particular type -- a more elegant way is to use typeclasses -- a will be, for our example, AritmExpr and BoolExpr -- but we also need to express what each expression returns class Eval a b where eval :: a -> b instance Eval AritmExpr Integer where -- AritmExpr evaluates to an integer eval = eval_aritm_expr instance Eval BoolExpr Bool where -- BoolExpr evaluates to a boolean eval (Equals e e') = ((eval e) :: Integer) == (eval e') eval (BNot e) = not $ eval e eval (And e e') = (eval e) && (eval e') -- another alternative: data ExprResult = I Integer | B Bool class Evalp a where evalp :: a -> ExprResult instance Evalp AritmExpr where evalp (AVal x) = I x evalp (Plus e e') = case (evalp e, evalp e') of (I i1,I i2) -> I (i1 + i2) instance Evalp BoolExpr where evalp (Equals e e') = case (evalp e, evalp e') of (I i1, I i2) -> B (i1 == i2) evalp (And e e') = case (evalp e, evalp e') of (B b1, B b2) -> B (b1 && b2) evalp (BNot e) = case evalp e of B b -> B $ not b {- Approach 1: Pros: - more concise and easy to use Cons: - requires extensions - requires keeping track of the return type for eval, when enrolling a new type - it is possible to have enrolments like: instance BoolExpr Bool and instance BoolExpr Integer which do not make sense for our application Approach 2: Pros: - simpler implementation, no extensions Cons: - requires boxing/unboxing of ExprResult values - may be unsafe. Programmers are allowed to return (I x) values when booleans are expected In other words, type verification becomes the task of the programmer -}