====== Lab 6. For expressions ====== ===== 6.1 A small string DSL ===== In this section we will extend the scala ''String'' class with several operators that implement useful string functions, effectively obtaining a small string-specialized [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain-specific_language|DSL]]. **6.1.1** Implement the ''<<'' and ''>>'' operators for a ''String'' and an ''Int'', that shift the string in a direction by the given amount: scala> "odersky" << 2 val res55: String = ersky scala> "odersky" >> 2 val res56: String = oders **6.1.2** Implement the ''<<<'' and ''>>>'' operators for a ''String'' and an ''Int'', that **rotate** the string in a direction by the given amount: scala> "odersky" >>> 2 val res57: String = kyoders scala> "odersky" <<< 2 val res58: String = erskyod **6.1.3** Implement the ''-'' operator between two strings that removes occurrences of the second string from the first one: scala> "Implement the ''-'' operator between two strings that removes occurrences of the second string from the first one:" - "th" val res61: String = Implement e ''-'' operator between two strings at removes occurrences of e second string from e first one: **6.1.4** Implement the ''~'' unary operator that changes the case of each cased character in the string: scala> ~"xXx1337ScAlAcOdErxXx" val res62: String = XxX1337sCaLaCoDeRXxX You will have to use the following signature: def unary_~ = ... **6.1.5** Implement the ''<=>'' operator that behaves like C's ''strcmp'' functions: if both strings are equal, returns 0; otherwise, if the first string is lexicographically first, returns a negative values and if the first string is lexicographically seond, returns a positive value: scala> "haskell" <=> "java" val res3: Int = -1 scala> "scala" <=> "java" val res4: Int = 1 scala> "scala" <=> "scala" val res5: Int = 0 This is known as [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-way_comparison#Spaceship_operator|"the spaceship operator"]]. **6.1.6** Implement the ''/'' operator that splits a string into chunks of a given length: scala> "scalable language" / 3 val res9: List[String] = List(sca, lab, "le ", lan, gua, ge) ==== 6.2 Tic-Tac-Toe ==== **Tic Tac Toe** is usually played on a 3x3 board, marking positions by each player in rounds. Our game is slightly different (usually called 5-in-a-row): * it can be played on a square board of any size **larger or equal to 5**. * A player wins if it has marked a line, column or diagonal of **5 consecutive positions** in a row. Example of a winning position for ''X'' on a 5x5 board: X...0 0X.0. ..X0. ...X. .0..X Example of a winning position for ''0'' on a 7x7 board: .X...X. ...0... ...0... .X.0..X 0..0..0 ...0... ...X... ==== Encodings ==== * In your project template, ''X'' is encoded as the **first** player (''One''), and ''0'', as ''Two''. trait Player {} case object One extends Player { override def toString: String = "X" } case object Two extends Player { override def toString: String = "0" } case object Empty extends Player { override def toString: String = "." } * A ''Board'' is encoded as a List of Lists of **positions** (i.e. a matrix), where a position can be ''One'', ''Two'' or ''Empty''. We make no distinction in the code between a position and a player, although ''Empty'' cannot be seen as a valid player. This makes the code slightly easier to write. type Line = List[Player] type BoardList = List[Line] case class Board(b: BoardList) { override def toString: String = ??? } ==== Tasks ==== The following functions have a given signature. However, it is up to the student to decide whether these will be methods of a class or just simple functions. **6.2.1.** Write a function which converts a string into a ''Board''. As a helper, you can use ''_.split( c )'' where c is a separator string, and ''_.toList''. The best solution is to use a combination of ''map'' calls with the above mentioned functions. A string is encoded exactly as in the examples shown above: * there are no whitespaces - empty positions are marked by the character '.' * lines are delimited by '\n' (the last line does not have a trailing '\n'). def makeBoard(s: String): Board = { def toPos(c: Char): Player = c match { case 'X' => One case '0' => Two case _ => Empty } ??? } **6.2.2.** Write a function which checks if a position on the board is free. Recall that list indexing can be done using ''l(_)''. Positions are numbered from 0. def isFree(x:Int, y:Int):Boolean = ??? **6.2.3.** Write a function which returns the //opponent// of a player: def complement(p: Player): Player = ??? **6.2.4.** We want to write a function which converts a board to a string, following the same strategy. Complete the ''toString'' in the Board class. Hint: instead of ''foldRight'', you can use ''reduce'' which works quite similarly, but without requiring an accumulator. **6.2.5.** Write a function which returns the //columns// of a board: def getColumns: Board = ??? **6.2.6.** Implement the following two functions for extracting the first and second diagonal, as lines, from a board. Hint: use for comprehensions. def getFstDiag(): Line = ??? def getSndDiag(): Line = ??? **6.2.7.** Implement the following functions for extracting diagonals above/below the first/second diagonal, as lines. It's not really necessary to make sure that at least 5 positions are available, for now. Hint: if one function must be implemented with element-by-element iteration, the three other can be implemented using each-other, as single-line calls. def getAboveFstDiag: List[Line] = ??? def getBelowFstDiag: List[Line] = ??? def getAboveSndDiag: List[Line] = ??? def getBelowSndDiag: List[Line] = ??? **6.2.8.** Write a function which checks if a player is the winner. Hint: functions ''l.forall(_)'' and ''l.exists(_)'' may be very helpful, together with patterns. def winner(p: Player): Boolean = ??? **6.2.9.** Write a function which updates a position from the board, with a given player. The position need not be empty and you are not required to check this. Hint: re-use an inner aux-function together with ''take'' and ''drop''. def update(p: Player)(ln: Int, col: Int) : Board = ??? **6.2.10.** Write a function which generates all possible next-moves for any of the two players. A next-move consists in a new board, where the player-at-hand played his move. def next(p: Player): List[Board] = ??? ==== Testing ==== Use the following board configurations to test your solutions: val t1 = """X0X0X0 |0X0X0X |X0X0X0 |.XX0.. |X00... |X0X0X0""".stripMargin val t2 = """...... |...... |...... |.XX... |.0000. |......""".stripMargin val t3 = """0X0X0. |000.X0 |0.0X.. |0..0.. |0X..0X |...X..""".stripMargin