====== Lab 3. Lists in Scala ====== Objectives: * get familiar with **pattern matching** lists, as well as common list operations from Scala and how they work * get familiar with common **higher-order functions** over lists (partition, map, foldRight, foldLeft, filter) ==== 3.1. Common list operations ==== **3.1.1.** Write a function which returns true if a list of integers has at least k elements. Use patterns. Write a second function which returns true if the list has at least k elements that satisfy a predicate. def atLeastk(k: Int, l: List[Int]): Boolean = if (k == 0) ??? else ??? } def atLeastkPred(pred: Int => Boolean)(k: Int, l: List[Int]): Boolean = ??? **3.1.2.** Write a function which returns the first ''n'' elements from a given list. The function should not be implemented as tail-recursive. def take(n: Int, l: List[Int]): List[Int] = ??? //take(3,List(1,2,3,4,5)) = List(1,2,3) **3.1.3.** Write a function which //drops// the first ''n'' elements from a given list. def drop(n: Int, l: List[Int]): List[Int] = ??? //drop(3,List(1,2,3,4,5)) = List(4,5) **3.1.4.** Write a function which takes a predicate ''p: Int => Boolean'', a list ''l'' and returns a sublist of ''l'' containing those elements for which ''p'' is true. The function should be **curried**. def takeP(p: Int => Boolean)(l: List[Int]): List[Int] = ??? //takeP(_%2 == 0)(List(1,2,3,4,5,6)) = List(2,4,6) **3.1.5.** Write a function which uses a predicate to partition (split) a list. def part(p: Int => Boolean)(l: List[Int]): (List[Int], List[Int]) = ??? // part(_%2 == 0)(List(1,2,3,4,5,6)) = (List(2,4,6),List(1,3,5)) ==== 3.2. String processing ==== In what follows, we shall encode a String as a list of characters, using the type defined below: type Str = List[Char] Add this type alias to your code before solving the following exercises. The following is an input test. You can add more examples to it: val l: List[Str] = List("matei@gmail.com", "mihai@gmail.com", "tEst@mail.com", "email@email.com", "short@ax.ro").map(x => x.toList) Use ''map'', ''foldr''/''foldl'', instead of recursive functions. **3.2.1.** Remove uppercases from emails. (Do **not** use recursion). Use the Internet to find the appropriate character function. def remUpper(list: List[Str]): List[Str] = ??? **3.2.2.** Write a function which removes emails longer than a given size. Try to think of two ways to implement this using already defined functions (do not define your own auxiliary functions). def longer(k: Int, list: List[Str]): List[Str] = ??? **3.2.3.** Count the number of emails longer than k characters. Use ''foldRight''. def howMany(k: Int)(list: List[Str]): Int = ??? **3.2.4.** Split the list between first names and email domains. What ingredients (auxiliary functions) are necessary? Use either a fold or a tail-recursive function in your implementation. def namesEmails(list: List[Str]): List[(Str, Str)] = ??? **3.2.5.** Identify the list of the employed domain names (e.g. ''gmail.com''). Remove duplicates. Use no recursion. def domains(l: List[Str]): List[Str] = ??? **(!) 3.2.6.** In some previous exercise you have, most likely, used already defined function to split the emails. Try implementing a split function using ''foldRight''. Try to figure out what the accumulator should do. def mySplit(l: Str): List[Str] = ??? **3.2.7.** Generalize the former function for any given character. Use it to implement a function that return the domains without the dot (ex. ''gmail''). def domain(list: List[Str]): List[Str] = ??? ==== 3.3. Gradebooks ==== More general implementations of ''taken'', ''dropn'' and ''part'' are already implemented in Scala and can be used as member functions of lists. Examples are shown below: val l = List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) l.take(3) l.drop(3) l.partition(_%2 == 0) In what follows, we shall encode a gradebook as a list of pairs ''(,)'', where '''' is a String and '''' is an Int. Example: val gradebook: List[(Str, Int)] = List((List('G'),3), (List('F'), 10), (List('M'),6), (List('P'),4)) To make the type signatures more legible, we can introduce type aliases in Scala: type Gradebook = List[(Str,Int)] //the type Gradebook now refers to a list of pairs of String and Int Add this type alias to your code before solving the following exercises. **3.3.1.** Write a function which adds one point to all students which have a passing grade (>= 5), and leaves all other grades unchanged. def increment(g: Gradebook): Gradebook = g.map(???) **3.3.2.** Find the average grade from a gradebook. You must use ''foldRight''. def average(g: Gradebook): Double = ??? **3.3.3.** Write a function which takes a gradebook and returns the percentage of failed vs. passed students, as a pair (x,y). def percentage(g: Gradebook): (Double,Double) = ??? **3.3.4.** Write a function which takes a gradebook and returns the list of names which have passed. Use filter and map from Scala. def pass(g: Gradebook): List[Str] = ??? **3.3.5.** Implement merge-sort (in ascending order) over gradebooks: def mergeSort(l: Gradebook): Gradebook = { def merge(u: Gradebook, v: Gradebook): Gradebook = ??? ??? } **3.3.6** Write a function which takes a gradebook and reports all passing students in **descending** order of their grade. def honorsList(g: Gradebook): List[Str] = ???