====== Lab 2. High order functions ====== Objectives: * implement and use **higher-order** functions. A **higher-order** function takes other functions as parameter or returns them * implement **curry** and **uncurry** functions, and how they should be properly used (review lecture). ** Create a new Scala worksheet to write your solutions ** ===== 2.1 Intro. Functions as parameters ===== **2.1.1** Write a function ''apply'' that takes an integer and return the result of the applied function on the given integer. Start from the code stub below: def apply(n: Int, f: Int => Int): Int = { ??? } **2.1.2** Write a function ''doubler'' that returns a function that doubles the input it receives (an integer). Start from the code stub below: def doubler(): Int => Int = { ??? } ===== 2.2 Custom high order functions ===== **2.2.1** Define the function ''foldWith'' which uses an operation ''op'' to reduce a range of integers to a value. For instance, given that ''op'' is addition (+), the result of folding the range 1 to 3 will be 1+2+3=6. ''foldWith'' should be curried (it will take the operation and return another function which expects the bounds). def foldWith (op: (Int,Int) => Int)(start: Int, stop: Int): Int = { def tail_fold(crt: Int, acc: Int): Int = ??? ?? } **2.2.2** Define the function ''foldConditional'' which extends ''foldWith'' by also adding a predicate ''p: Int => Int''. ''foldConditional'' will reduce only those elements of a range which satisfy the predicate. def foldConditional(op: (Int,Int) => Int, p: Int => Boolean)(start: Int, stop: Int): Int = ??? **2.2.3** Write a function ''foldMap'' which takes values $math[a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_k] from a range and computes $math[f(a_1)\;op\;f(a_2)\;op\;\ldots f(a_k)]. Use the ''apply'' and ''foldWith'' methods def foldMap(op: (Int,Int) => Int, f: Int => Int)(start: Int, stop: Int): Int = ??? ===== 2.3 Curry vs Uncurry ===== **2.3.1** Modify the function below so that it's curry and use it to calculate ''5*3'' def multiply(x:Int, y:Int): Int => x * y **2.3.2** Modify the function below so that it's curry and use it to compare 3 numbers and return the maximum def compare(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int): Int = { if x > y && x > z then x else if y > x && y > z then y else z } ===== 2.4 Function transformations ===== The graph of a function can undergo different geometric transformation such as scaling, shifting, rotating, mirroring and so on. The result of those transformation will also be a function that looks similarly to the original. In this exercice we will particularly work with lines. A line is a linear equation of the form $math[f(x) = a*x + b] **2.4.1** Implement a function that shifts a line on Oy axis by a certain amount $math[\Delta y] def shiftOY(line: Double => Double, delta_y: Double): Double => Double = { ??? } **2.4.2** Implement a function that shifts a line on Ox axis by a certain amount $math[\Delta x] def shiftOX(line: Double => Double, delta_x: Double): Double => Double = { ??? } **2.4.3** Implement a function that checks if two lines intersect at an integer value from a given interval def intersect(line1: Double => Double, line2: Double => Double)(start: Int, stop: Int): Boolean = { ??? }