====== 10. Writing a parser for a CF language ====== ===== 10.1. A basic functional structure for a parser ===== Consider the following language encoding expressions: * $math[S \leftarrow M \mid M + S] * $math[M \leftarrow A \mid A * M] * $math[A \leftarrow 0 \mid 1 \mid (S)] 10.1.1. Implement an AST for expressions. * A **parser** is a function which takes a string and has **two** tasks: - returns the **rest of the string to be parsed**, or an error if parsing failed. Examples: * ''parse_whitespace(" lfa") = "lfa"'' * ''parse_whitespace("lfa") = None'' - adds the parsed value to **a global stack** whenever the value is part of the AST to be built. Another example: stack = [] # def parse_digit(w): if len(w) == 0: return None # parsing fails if w[0].isalphanum(): stack.append(w[0]) # add the parsed digit to the stack return w[1:] # return the rest of the word else: return None # if the character is not a digit, the parsing fails 10.1.3. Implement a function ''parse_plus'' which parses the character '+' (if the first character is '+', it consumes it, otherwise it fails). Hint: use a more general function which you can then reuse to parse other characters. 10.1.4. We can build **more complex parsers** from simpler ones. The key is to **try** to parse expressions and if parsing fails, we can try a different alternative. Complete the following implementation of the function ''parse_multiplication'': def parse_multiplication(w): if len(w) == 0: return None w1 = parse_digit(w) # parse a digit if w1 != None: # we have parsed a digit, now we try to parse '+': w2 = parse_plus(w1) if w2 != None: # we have successfully parsed a '+' w3 = parse_multiplication(w2) if w3 != None: # we have parsed a digit followed by + and by another multiplication expression # what are the contents of the stack right now? # how should the stack be modified? else: # parsing a '+' has failed, so we just return the rest of the string w1 return w1 else: return None # parsing a digit failed 10.1.5. Following the same structure, write a complete implementation for expression parsers. ===== 10.2. Writing a parser for regular expressions ===== 10.2.1. Write a grammar which accurately describes regular expressions. Consider the following definition: //A regular expression is built in the normal way, using the symbols (,),*,| and any other alpha-numeric character. Free spaces may occur freely within the expression//. 10.2.2. Starting from the solution to the previous exercise, write an unambiguous grammar for regexes: * Make sure to take precedence into account 10.2.3. Write a parser for regular expressions.