====== Lab ====== ===== Lab-01 - Expresii regulate ===== Key insights: * more languages than regular expressions * we do not know how to write regular expressions for some languages (as a direct consequence of the above) * reg.exps. are unambiguous and FINITE language representations Objectives: * Understand what is a language and a regular expression is, and the relation between them; * Write several regular expressions for designated languages * Identify languages described by some regular expressions (e.g. ?!) Resources (tentative): * http://www.idt.mdh.se/kurser/cd5560/10_01/examination/KOMPENDIER/Regular/kompendium_eng.pdf === Exercises === **I. What is the regular expression for the following languages:** * $math[\Sigma=\{0, 1\}], $math[L=\{011\}] //Solution:// $math[E=011] \\ //Obs:// By definition the correct expression is $math[E=((01)1)], but we won't write them when not needed and we use a precedence rule to reduce the number of parantheses in regular expressions as much as possible (Kleene Star > Concatenation > Union). * $math[\Sigma=\{a, b\}], $math[L=\{a, b\}] //Solution:// $math[E=a \cup b] \\ //Obs:// By definition the correct expression is $math[E=(a \cup b)], but we can remove parentheses for the same reason as above. * $math[\Sigma=\{0, 1\}], $math[L=\{e, 0, 1, 00, 01, 10, 11, 000, ...\}] //Solution:// $math[E=(0 \cup 1)^{*}] \\ * $math[\Sigma=\{0, 1\}], $math[L=\{010010101000010, 010010101000011\}] //Solution:// $math[E=01001010100001(0 \cup 1)] \\ * $math[\Sigma=\{0, 1\}], $math[L=\{w \in \Sigma^{*} \mid w \text{ ends with } 0\}] \\ //Solution:// $math[E=(0 \cup 1)^{*}0] \\ * $math[\Sigma=\{0, 1\}], $math[L=\{w \in \Sigma^{*} \mid w=w_101 \lor w=1w_1, w_1 \in \Sigma^{*}\}] \\ //Solution:// $math[E=(0 \cup 1)^{*}01 \cup 1(0 \cup 1)] \\ * $math[\Sigma=\{x, y\}], $math[L=\{w \in \Sigma^{*} \mid \#_x(w) = 2\}] \\ //Solution:// $math[E=y^{*}xy^{*}xy^{*}] \\ //Obs:// $math[\#_x(w)] denotes number of $math[x] in $math[w]. * $math[\Sigma=\{a, b\}], $math[L=\{w \in \Sigma^{*} \mid \#_a(w) \,\vdots\, 2\}] \\ //Solution:// $math[E=(b^{*}ab^{*}ab^{*})^{*}] \\ * $math[\Sigma=\{x, y\}], $math[L=\{w \in \Sigma^{*} \mid \#_x(w) \ge 1\}] \\ //Solution:// $math[E=(x \cup y)^{*}x(x \cup y)^{*}] \\ * $math[\Sigma=\{a, b, c\}], $math[L=\{w \in \Sigma^{*} \mid \#_a(w) \ge 1 \land \#_c(w) \ge 1\}] \\ //Solution:// $math[E=((a \cup b \cup c)^{*}a(a \cup b \cup c)^{*}b(a \cup b \cup c)^{*}) \cup ((a \cup b \cup c)^{*}b(a \cup b \cup c)^{*}a(a \cup b \cup c)^{*})] \\ * $math[\Sigma=\{a, b\}], $math[L=\{w \in \Sigma^{*} \mid w \text{ does not contain } ba\}] \\ //Solution:// $math[E=a^{*}b^{*}] \\ * $math[\Sigma=\{a, b\}], $math[L=\{w \in \Sigma^{*} \mid \#_a(w) + \#_b(w) = 0\}] \\ //Solution:// $math[E=\epsilon] \\ * $math[\Sigma=\{a, b\}], $math[L=\{w \in \Sigma^{*} \mid \#_a(w) + \#_b(w) < 0\}] \\ //Solution:// $math[E=\emptyset] \\ ===== Lab x - JFlex ===== ==== Installing JFlex ==== A complete, platform-dependent set of installation instructions can be found [[http://jflex.de/installing.html| here]]. In a nutshell, JFlex comes as a binary app ''jflex''. ==== The structure of a flex file ==== Consider the following simple JFlex file: import java.util.*; %% %class HelloLexer %standalone %{ public Integer words = 0; %} LineTerminator = \r|\n|\r\n %% [a-zA-Z]+ { words+=1; } {LineTerminator} { /* do nothing*/ } Suppose the above file is called ''Hello.flex''. Running the command ''jflex Hello.flex'' will generate a Java class which implements a lexer. Each JFlex file (such as the above), contains 5 sections: * the first section, which ends at the first occurrence of ''\%\% '' contains declarations which will be added at the beginning of the Java class file. * the second section, right after ''%%'' and until ''%{'' contains a sequence of options for jflex. Here, we use two options: * ''class HelloLexer'' tells jflex that the output java class that the lexer classname should be ''HelloLexer'' * ''standalone'' tells jflex to print the unmatched input word at to standard output and continue scanning. * More details regarding possible options can be found in the [[http://jflex.de/manual.pdf|JFlex docs]]. * the third section, separated by ''%{'' and ''%}'' contains declarations which will be appended in the Lexer class file. Here we declare a public variable ''words''. * the fourth section contains regular expression **declarations**. Here, we have declared ''LineTerminator'' to be the regular expression ''\r | \n | \r\n''. Declarations can be use to build more complicated RegExps from simple ones, and can be used as well in the fifth section of the flex file: * the fifth section contains rules and actions: a rule specifies a regular expression to be scanned, as well as the appropriate action to be taken, when a word satisfying the regexp is found: * the rule ''[a-zA-Z]+ { words+=1; }'' states that whenever ''[a-zA-Z]+'' (a regexp defined inline) is matched by a word, ''words+=1;'' should be executed; * the rule ''{LineTerminator} { /* do nothing*/ }'' refers to the regexp defined above (note the brackets); here no action should be executed; * JFlex will always scan for the **longest** input word which satisfies a regexp. When a word satisfies more than one regexp the **first** one from the flex file will be matched. ==== Compiling a Hello World project ==== After performing: jflex Hello.flex we obtain ''HelloLexer.java'' which contains the ''HelloLexer'' public class implementing our lexer. We can easily include this class in our project, e.g.: import java.io.*; import java.util.*; public class Hello { public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException { HelloLexer l = new HelloLexer(new FileReader(args[0])); l.yylex(); System.out.println(l.words); } } * Note that the lexer constructor method receives a java Reader as input (other options are possible, see the docs), and we take the name of the file to-be-scanned from standard input. * Each lexer implements the method ''yylex'' which starts the scanning process. After compiling: javac HelloLexer.java Hello.java and running: java Hello we obtain: 6 at standard output. Recall that the option ''standalone'' tells the lexer to print unmatched words. In our example, those unmatched words are whitespaces. ==== Application - parsing lists ==== Consider the following BNF grammar which describes lists: ::= [0-9]+ ::= "++" | ":" ::= | | ::= | " " ::= | "()" | "(" ")" The following are examples of lists: (1 2 3) (1 (2 3) 4 ()) (1 (++ (: 2 (3)) (4 5)) 6) Your task is to: * correctly parse such lists: * write a JFlex file to implement the lexer: * Since the language describing lists is Context Free, in order to parse a list, you need to keep track of the opened/closed parenthesis. * Start by write a PDA (on paper) which accepts correctly-formed lists. Treat each regular expression you defined (for numbers and operators) as a single symbol; * Implement the PDA (strategy) in the lexer file; * given a correctly-defined list, write a procedure which evaluates lists operations (in the standard way); For instance, ''(1 (++ (: 2 (3)) (4 5)) 6)'' evaluates to ''(1 (2 3 4 5) 6)'' * write a procedure which checks if a list is **semantically valid**. What type of checks do you need to implement?