===== Curs LFA 2020-2021 ===== [[lfa:team | Echipa ]] * [[lfa:intro:rules | Regulament 2021-2022]] * [[lfa:exam | Examen 2021-2022]] * [[lfa2021:proiect | Proiect]] * Labs * [[lfa:dictionaries | Appendix 01: Hash functions in Python]] * [[lfa:lab01-python-intro | L01: Introduction to Python]] * [[lfa:lab02-dfa | L02: Deterministic finite automaton]] * [[lfa:lab03-dfa-regexp | L03: Regular Expressions]] * [[lfa:lab03-lexers | L04: Lexers]] * [[lfa:lab04-regexp-nfa | L05: Regex to DFA]] * [[lfa:lab06-mindfa | L06: Minimal DFA]] * [[lfa:lab06-closure-properties | L07: Closure Properties]] * [[lfa:lab07-the-pumping-lemma | L08: The pumping lemma]] * [[lfa:lab09-cfl | L09: Context-free languages]] * [[lfa:lab10-lexer | L10: Writing simple parsers]] * [[lfa:lab11-cfprop | L11: Course overview]]