====== Laborator AA ====== ===== Part 1 - Decidability - 4 labs ===== ==== 1. Turing Machine ==== Key concepts: - computation (the output of the tape) and acceptance (acceptare); - mechanical description of an algorithm - (Answers online - discussion) A **Turing Machine** consists of: * an **alphabet** $math[\Sigma] * a set of **states** $math[K] * an **initial** state $math[q_0] * a **transition function** $math[\delta : K \times \Sigma \rightarrow K \times \Sigma \times \{L,H,R\}] * a set of **final** states $math[F \subseteq K] Which of the following components of an **assembly language** would best correspond to the above? $math[K,\Sigma, \delta, q_0, F] * the processor * the memory * registers * assembly instructions - (Answers online) What does the following TM do? (**bitwise complement**) - (Answers online) Write a TM which **accepts** only if the **input** is a binary encoding of a **even** natural number. - (Answers online) Write a TM which adds **5** to a number encoded in binary on the tape. The machine will always accept. - (Answers online) Check if a symbol is present on the tape. - (Discussion) How would the following algorithm be represented as a Turing Machine: Algorithm(vector V, integer M) { integer s = 0 for-each x in V s += x if (x > 1000) then return 1 else return 0 } Helpful questions: * how should the tape be organised? * when should the machine accept? * how would ''foreach x in V'' be implemented? * how would ''s += x'' be implemented? * how would ''if (x > 1000) then ... else ...'' be implemented ? Homework: * Write a TM which verifies if a string has the **same number** of ones and zeroes. Give hints - live (what should the machine do?) * write a TM which **accepts** a given regular expression * write a TM which **reverses** a given binary string (always accepts) ==== 2. Turing Machines and Solvability ==== Key concepts: * **acceptance** vs **decision** * complement of a problem. * Can the following problem be **accepted** by a TM? (f(x) = 0) * What is the complement of this problem? * Can a problem be accepted by two different TMs? Can a TM accept two different problems? * If a problem is accepted by some TM, can its complement also be accepted? * If a problem is **decided** by some TM, can its complement also be decided? * Write a TM which accepts //is-odd// problem but which does not decide it. * Which of the following problems you **think** can be **accepted** and which can be **decided**? Use pseudocode instead of writing a TM. * a) V [[https://arxiv.org/pdf/1902.10188.pdf | Undecidable example 1]] * b) V [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilbert%27s_tenth_problem | Hilbert undecidable ]] * c) V [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wang_tile | Wang Tile]] * e) k-color * f) Linear Integer Programming ==== 3. The Universal Turing Machine ==== Key concepts: * simulation Exercises: * The Von Newmann architecture - explained. * Which of the components of Von Newmann arch. corresponds best to the TM? * Write a TM pseudocode which verifies if a word is the proper encoding of a TM. Discussion on the pseudocode. * Write a TM pseudocode which accepts if **there exists** a word which is accepted by a given TM in **k steps**. Discussion on the pseudocode * Which of the following is a suitable pseudocode for a TM: Algoritm(M,w){ if size(w) > 10 then if M halts for w in k steps accept. } Algoritm(M1,M2,w){ k = 0 while true if M1(w) has the same behaviour as M2(w) after k steps then accept else k = k + 1 } Algorithm(M,A) { // A is a finite set of words for each w in A if M(w) halts //undecidable! Pseudocode is ok, but this machine may not terminate then accept } Algorithm(M,w) { build the machine M' such that M(x) accepts iff M'(x) does not accept, for all words x if M'(w) in 1000 steps accept } Algorithm(M1,M2) { if M1 always halts then //we know of no procedure, terminating or not, which can achieve this. This is not a proper TM/algorithm. if M2 always halts then accept } * Write the problem which is accepted by each of the above machines. * Write a TM pseudocode which accepts if a **given** word is accepted by two given TMs. Explain the dovetailing technique. Homework: * Write a TM pseudocode which accepts if **there exists** a word which is accepted by two given TMs. * Write a TM pseudocode which accepts if **there exists** a TM which accepts a given word. * Write a TM pseudocode which accepts if a given TM accepts **some** word of a given finite set A. * Write a TM pseudocode which accepts if a given TM accepts **all** words of a given finite set A. [[https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zhppfcw/revision/3#:~:text=Von%20Neumann%20architecture%20is%20the,both%20stored%20in%20primary%20storage | Von Newmann Model]] ==== 4. Undecidable problems ==== Key concept: * reduction * proving a problem is not in R * proving a problem is not in RE ===== Part 2 - Measuring algorithm performance (3 labs) ===== ==== Notatii asimptotice ==== * (Homework) Implement mergesort and insertionsort in python. Use a large dataset (provided by us) to test your implementation. Plot the execution times together with the functions $math[n^2] and $math[n\cdot \log{n}] using ''gnuplot''. What do you observe? Adjust the constants for the previous functions so that the rate of growth can be better observed. * Exercitii clasice ==== Recurente ==== * Cativa algoritmi si recurentele lor * Merge-sort, * Quick-sort (curs) * Exemplul cu sqrt(n) al lui Sebi. * Exercitii clasice ==== Ammortised Analysis ==== * Classical exercises ===== Part 3 - Algorithm complexity (4 labs) ===== ==== NP completitudine ==== * Implement a SAT solver which encodes formulae as matrices and iterates over interpretations treating them as binary counters. Plot execution times. * Implement a better SAT solver which uses BDDs to encode a formula. The variable ordering is known in advance. Plot execution times. * Implement a k-Vertex-Cover solver using a reduction from SAT, and any of the above solvers. * Exercitii clasice cu choice si reduceri ===== Part 4 - Abstract Datatypes (2 labs) ===== ==== TDA-uri ==== * Conceptul de operator vs cel de functie (exercitiu in C, exercitiu in Haskell, pe Liste) * (Homework) Implementare LinkedList si ArrayList in Python, impreuna cu operatii. Implementare Haskell a operatiilor, dupa o discutie la curs despre acestea. * Exercitii clasice