====== Lab 5. Functional vs Object-Oriented decomposition ====== ==== 4.1. The type Nat ===== Consider the following type defined to represent natural numbers: trait Nat { def isZero: Boolean def add(other: Nat): Nat def subtract(other: Nat): Nat def greater(other: Nat): Boolean def toInt: Int } case object Zero extends Nat case class Succ(n: Nat) extends Nat When implementing the following methods, think about whether or not they are **local** (are they best implemented using functional or OO decomposition?) **4.1.1.** Implement the method ''isZero'' which checks if a number is equal to ''Zero'' or not. **4.1.2.** Implement the addition method over natural numbers. **4.1.3.** Implement the subtraction method over natural numbers. If $math[n > m] then $math[m - n = 0]. **4.1.4.** Implement ''greater'' which checks if a natural number is strictly larger than the other. **4.1.5.** Implement a function which converts a Nat to a Scala Int. ==== 4.2. The type OList (Object-Oriented implementation of lists) ==== Start with the following trait, which encodes lists over integers. trait OList{ def head: Int def tail: OList def foldRight[B](acc: B)(op: (Int,B) => B): B def foldLeft[B](acc: B)(op: (B,Int) => B): B def indexOf(i: Int): Int def filter(p: Int => Boolean): OList def map(f: Int => Int): OList def partition(p: Int => Boolean): (OList, OList) def slice(start: Int, stop: Int): OList def forall(p: Int => Boolean): Boolean } **4.2.1.** Implement the constructors for the **empty list** as well as for the **nonempty list of integers**. **4.2.2.** Implement ''head'' and ''tail'' accordingly. **4.2.3.** Implement ''foldRight''. Follow the same strategy as in the previous labs. Also implement foldLeft. Make sure it is tail-recursive. **4.2.5.** Implement ''filter''. Try and use ''foldRight'' in your implementation. The following diagram illustrates the behaviour of ''filter'': 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 filter(p => p % 2 == 0) 2 4 6 8 10 **4.2.4.** Implement ''indexOf'' which retrieves the position of an element in a list if it exists and -1 otherwise. Try and use an appropriate type of fold for your implementation. **4.2.6.** Implement ''map''. Try and use an appropriate type of fold in your implementation. The following diagram illustrates the behaviour of map: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 map (_*2) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 **4.2.7.** Implement ''partition''. It is supposed to return a pair of lists. (!!) Try and use an appropriate type of fold in your implementation. The following diagram illustrates the behaviour of partition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 partition(_ % 2 == 0) (1 3 5 7 9, 2 4 6 8 10) **4.2.8.** Implement ''slice''. The following diagram illustrates the behaviour of slice: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 slice(2,4) 3 4 5 **4.2.8.** Implement ''forall''. Try and use an appropriate type of fold in your implementation. The following diagram illustrates the behaviour of forall: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 forall(_ % 2 == 0) false