====== 2. Introduction to Haskell ====== ===== 2.1. Functions in Haskell ===== In mathematics, functions have a domain an codomain. In Haskell, functions have **types** or **signatures**. They often can be omitted in Haskell, but can also be explicitly written as in: f :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer f x y = x + y or: f :: Bool -> Bool f True = False f False = True The previous example illustrates that we can define functions by specifying a behaviour for given values. 2.1.1. Write a function together with its signature, which implements boolean AND: myand :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool ... ===== 2.2. If and conditionals (guards) ===== 2.2.1. Write an implementation for a function ''ifp'' which takes a boolean, expressions $math[e_1] and $math[e_2] and returns $math[e_1] if the boolean is true and $math[e_2] otherwise. ifp = ... 2.2.2. Write a function which takes three integers and returns the largest. Hint - sometimes parentheses are **important in function calls**. f :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer In Haskell, we can use the if construct, in a manner almost identical to the above implementation, e.g. f x = if x == 0 then 1 else 0 The previous function returns 1 if x is equal to 0 and 0 otherwise. A more elegant way is to use **guards**: f x | x == 0 = 1 | otherwise = 0 More generally, guards can be used as follows: | = | = ... | otherwise = 2.2.3. Solve the previous exercise using guards. ===== 2.3. Lists ===== The following code examples illustrate the usage of lists: -- defining a new list l = [1,2,3] -- adds x to the beginning of a list l. The operator : is called 'cons' and it is infix (just like +) cons x l = x:l -- the previous list can be defined also as: lp = 1:2:3:[] -- function head returns the first element of a list first_of_l = head l -- function tail removes the first element of a list and returns the result remove_first_of_l = tail l -- the infix operator ++ concatenates lists. lpp = l ++ lp 2.3.1. Implement reversal 2.3.2. Write a function which extracts the third to last integer from a list and returns ''True'', if that number is odd (hint: the function ''mod'' may be useful), and false otherwise. If the list has fewer than three elements, the function should also return false. V f [3,4,5,2,3,9] = False f [3,4,2,1,4,4] = True Using ''head'' and ''tail'' can become tedious if we need to extract specific inner elements of a list. Alternatively, we can use **list patterns** in function definition, in order to explore the structure of a list. A few examples are given below. -- this function uses patterns to test if a list is empty. The pattern 'x:xs' refers to a list where the first element is x and the rest of the list is xs is_empty [] = True is_empty (x:xs) = False 2.3.3. Implement the previous exercise using patterns 2.3.4. Implement a function which returns the sum of integers from a list. 2.3.5. Implement a function which takes a list of booleans and returns false if **at least** one boolean from the list is false. 2.3.6. Implement a function which filters out all odd numbers from a list. 2.3.7. Implement a function which takes a list of booleans and returns a list of integers. In the latter, (''True'' becomes ''1'' and ''False'' becomes ''0''). Example: ''f [False, True, False] = [0,1,0]''. We can construct more complicated patterns from simpler ones: -- this function returns true if the list given as parameter has at least tree elements. f (x:y:z:xs) = True f _ = False ===== 2.4. Strings ===== The following example illustrates the usage of ''Char'' and ''String''. In Haskell, ''String'' is a type-alias for ''[Char]'' (strings are lists of chars and can be introspected using pattern matching as well). -- this function returns true if the parameter is the character 'a' f 'a' = True f _ = False -- this function returns true if the given string has the SECOND character equal to 'b' and false otherwise (or if the string has less than two characters) g (_:'b':xs) = True g _ = False 2.4.1. Write a function which removes all empty strings from a list. 2.4.2. Write a function which removes all strings of size smaller than 3. Do **not** use the builtin function ''length''. 2.4.3. Write a function which removes all strings having the third letter equal to 'a'. 2.4.4. Write a function which: * removes all strings which are not **names**. A **name** always starts with an uppercase. * removes the last name from the resulting list of names. A name always comprises of the first name followed by the last name.