====== FP Exam (june 2021) ====== The exam will take place **online** (via MS Teams) and it will consist of four questions: - (Q1) a simple Haskell programming task - **2 points** - (Q2) a list processing task in Haskell - **2 points** - (Q3) an algebraic datatype task - **2 points** - (Q4) a more elaborate programming task - **1 point** Grading: * There are a maximum of **7 points** which can be gained in the exam * Half-points will not be awarded (for instance, at Q1 you can achieve only 0,1 or 2 points). * **You need at least 2 points to graduate the exam** * The exam grade expressed from 0 to 10 (which is 50% of the total FP grade) will be computed as follows: * **2p** - grade 5 * **3p** - grade 6 * **4p** - grade 7 * **5p** - grade 8 * **6p** - grade 9 * **7p** - grade 10 Exam rules: * exam questions will not be modified during the exam * students will solve the tasks using an online Haskell editor and interpreter, under the supervision of the examiner * the exam will be open-book: you can use online resources in any way you like, but **you must solve each exercise individually** (you cannot be assisted, in any way, by a third-party). If there is any indication that the student under examination receives help, the exam may be failed. Time & management: * each student will have between 15 to 20 mins to solve the exam. (If a student is not actively writing code during a session, the session may end sooner). * students will be able to enrol in a list of available slots for examination, using a spreadsheet which will be published in due time.