=== Plagiarism and academic integrity === Acording to [[https://upb.ro/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/4-Regulament-privind-organizarea-si-desfasurare-a-procesului-de-%C3%AEnv%C4%83%C5%A3%C4%83m%C3%A2nt-universitar-de-licenta-in-UPB.pdf|UPB rules for diploma studies]] (article **51.** points **d.** and **i.**), students are required to uphold the rules for academic integrity described in [[https://upb.ro/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Carta_UPB_2019.pdf|The UPB charter]]. Of these we explicitly mention article 45, point **13) a.** which states that **plagiarism is a severe misconduct** from professional and scientific activity. **Any attempt to plagiarise, during lecture, lab, homework or exam** will be sanctioned with **losing all semester points**, and, in severe cases, with **written warnings** or **expelling proposition** addressed to the Faculty's Executive Board. Plagiarism is defined as taking: * **written answers** * **written materials**, **code** or parts of them from the **Internet**, **other colleagues**, **other sources**, and presenting them, in any context, as **original work**. Examples of most common instances of plagiarism: * **using Internet resources** to answer lecture questions * **using Internet resources** to obtain answers which are not your own, during tests or lab assignments * **taking code or parts of code from the Internet** or **other colleagues** and submitting it as your own. * **writing joint solutions to code assignments** (coding assignments should always be written **alone** and **individually**). Discussing assignment solutions and ideas, without sharing code, is permitted and encouraged.