Table of Contents

Gas Detector


The scope of this project is to create a gas leak detector which will alert us if the gas levels in a room are dangerously high.

Descriere generală

The sensor connected to the Arduino UNO will record the level of the gas detected in the air. The Arduino will process this data, and show the resulting data on the LCD Screen, followed by if the air is dangerous or not for a person to breathe.

Hardware Design

This gas detector uses the following components (subject to change):

  • Breadboard
  • Arduino UNO
  • 10kOhm Potentiometer
  • 16×2 LCD Screen
  • MQ-2 Gas Sensor
  • 2 * 220Ohm Resistances
  • Wires

Software Design

The following software was used in order to write the code:

  • Arduino IDE
  • Visual Studio Code


The code can be found here:


7th of May 2023

  • Initial documentation was written.

21st of May 2023

  • Added Tinkercad schematic

28th of May 2023

  • Added code



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