Table of Contents



The aim of the project is to automate a greenhouse in order to enhance the growth of crops that thrive in a controlled environment, requiring careful monitoring of air temperature, humidity, and soil moisture levels to ensure maximum production. The project originated from farmers' need for an automated system to effortlessly monitor greenhouse parameters, start and stop irrigation and ventilation systems based on data from multiple environmental sensors. This system would eliminate the necessity for excess labor to tend to the crops.

General description

The device utilizes various sensors to gather environmental data, including light levels, air temperature, humidity, and soil moisture levels. This information is transmitted to an ESP32 microcontroller, which can connect to a user's phone via Bluetooth or the internet to provide sensor readings. The user can then use this information to determine the optimal moisture levels and intervals for the water pumps and ventilation system, which are controlled by relays. Additionally, the ESP32 microcontroller can connect to a server to provide data for further modeling to improve crop growth.

Hardware Design

List of parts:

Software Design

PlatformIO is an open source ecosystem for IoT development with a focus on different microcontroller platforms, including the ESP32. It provides a unified and easy-to-use development environment for embedded systems, with support for popular IDEs such as VSCode, Atom, and Sublime Text. PlatformIO also offers extensive libraries, tools, and features for seamless integration with hardware platforms and cloud services.

The Arduino framework on ESP32 is an implementation of the popular Arduino programming language and environment for the ESP32 microcontroller. It provides a set of APIs and libraries for rapid prototyping and development of embedded systems, including support for WiFi, Bluetooth, sensors, and other peripherals. The framework is easy to use and well-documented, making it accessible to beginners and experienced developers alike. The Arduino framework on ESP32 can be used with the Arduino IDE or with PlatformIO.

Final results

Upon completing the project, I have come to the conclusion that utilizing technology to collect data from multiple sensors can provide a better understanding of agriculture and enable the adaptation of a controlled environment for optimal crop growth through a range of infrastructure controls. These controls include the ability to manage humidity and air temperature, with the potential to eventually control the amount of light entering the environment.



O arhivă (sau mai multe dacă este cazul) cu fişierele obţinute în urma realizării proiectului: surse, scheme, etc. Un fişier README, un ChangeLog, un script de compilare şi copiere automată pe uC crează întotdeauna o impresie bună ;-).

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