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Smoke detector

Student: Zaibi Alaeddine Grupa:1221F


Smoke detector is typically as an indicator of fire. Commercial smoke detectors issue a signal to a fire alarm control panel as part of a fire alarm system. Household smoke detectors, also known as smoke alarms, generally issue an audible or visual alarm from the detector itself this device is useful to help you and family Safer Without a smoke detector in your home or business, a fire can catch you by surprise, and the unthinkable could happen. Having a reliable smoke detector installed in your home or business means the difference between getting out safely and getting injured or even dying in a fire

Descriere generală

the projet consist to mesure if the smoke have reached the smoke threshold (the level that must be reached for an effect to be produced)if the the smoke have reached 500 the buzzer and the red LED will turn on if not just the green LED will stay on

==== Schema Bloc

Hardware Design

List of components: - Arduino Uno -MQ2 sensor -Buzzer -Red Led -green Led -Resistor -jumper wires

Software Design

the developement environement that i used is Arduino IDE 1.8.19 functions used:-tone() is function that generate a wave of the specified freaquency on a pin which the buzzer is connected to this pin - noTone() function which stop the genration of a square wave caused by tone() has no effect if there is no tone being generated

Rezultate Obţinute

the video of the experience test.rar


The whole project was an interesting experience the most important thing the pratical side being the first project of this type dealing with arduino and other component and how it connects with each other thatwas a good experience finally i could say thati was satisfied with the results at the end


you can download the project from here : projet_arduino.rar


01.05→ choose the theme 05.05→ order the components 15.05→ start realizing the project 03.06→start the wiki page 05.06→ finish the wiki page


Hardware resource: c

software resources: Mq2 sensor noTone function tone function

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