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Lab 11 - Privacy Technologies


Privacy is a usually included in the larger security landscape, but it deals with aspects that concern people more that technologies and tries to answer a very tough question: “How to access/compute data without the owner know who you are?”. While, like everything, is a sword with two blades, it tries to allow people own their data in the digital world and to provide anonymity while browsing the Internet.


00 [0p]. Users

Create the following users: red, green and blue. Make sure that you can ssh into the VM using this users. For example, copy the ”.ssh/” directory from student to the newly added users and “chown” it accordingly.

sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash red 
sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash green 
sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash blue 

01 [50p]. Pretty Good Privacy

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is an encryption standard that can be used to authenticate in a distributed manner. GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) is an open-source implementation of the PGP standards. In this exercise you are required to send one file encrypted from one user to the other.

For the next exercises, you will need to be logged in as users red/green/blue via ssh in order to generate the gpg key.

After importing the key you should list it and double check that it was stored in the public ring. At this moment the key is not trusted yet, we will do this in a future step.

The description of fields is available here.

The signing process typically involves manually verifying the fingerprint of the key

The web of trust allows a more elaborate algorithm to be used to validate a key. A more flexible algorithm can now be used: a key K is considered valid if it meets two conditions:
1. it is signed by enough valid keys, meaning
a. you have signed it personally,
b. it has been signed by one fully trusted key, or
c. it has been signed by three marginally trusted keys; and
2. the path of signed keys leading from K back to your own key is five steps or shorter. ref

02. [40p] TOR

The Tor (The Onion Routing) project is an implementation of the more generic “onion routing” idea that allows a user to gain network anonymity while surfing the Internet. The mechanism that allows for a private surfing is based on re-encryption and “randomly” routing of the packet at the level of each router within the network, allowing each router to only know the previous and the next router in the route (not the source/destination of the packet) ref. Accessing the Tor network can be done either through a local proxy of via a Browser pre-configured with the proxy server.

Tor only supports TCP traffic, some make sure your DNS queries are done over TCP.

dig TXT +tcp +short | awk -F'"' '{ print $2}'

03. [10p] Feedback

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