Introduction to Computer Security

This courses teaches students the basics of computer security, starting from an introduction to access control and cryptography, to the current security threats in web, network or application security. The main focus of the lecture is to give students the security vocabulary and to encourage them to further investigate the continuing evolving landscape of security.


2024-2025 sem.1 Schedule (primary lab: EG101, secondary: EG208, curs)
Luni Marți Miercuri Joi Vineri
8 - 10 Mihai Ciocan-M. Alex Mircea Ebru Resul Mircea Preoteasa -
10 - 12 Mihai Ciocan-M. Florin Stancu Radu Mantu - -
12 - 14 Vlad Năstase Florin Stancu Radu Mantu - Curs Mihai
(impar, EC101)
14 - 16 Vlad Năstase
Curs Mihai (EC004)
- - - Curs Florin
16 - 18 Alex Ghiță D. Vălu (EG101)
A. Udrescu (EG208)
- - -
18 - 20 Alex Ghiță
Curs Florin
(impar, EC105)
- David Gherghiță - -
20 - 22 - - - -