Table of Contents

Water Quality System

Student: Negulescu Irina
Project archive: Project Arhive
Web app URL: Water Quality System Web Application

1. Objective

You might think of water quality as a factual declaration of how healthy and suitable a waterbody is for serving its designated function, whether that goal is drainage, enjoyment, or both. The term “water quality” refers to a wide range of data measurements, or “key water health indicators,” that take into account a waterbody's physical, chemical, and biological qualities based on its use as well as any direct or indirect effects on flora and fauna. It serves as the standard against which water management strategies are evaluated and their effectiveness is measured. The following factors are determined by the water quality and related water health indicators:

With the help of an ESP32 WiFi module, a TDS/EC sensor, and a temperature sensor, we will create an IoT-based drinking water quality monitoring system in this project. This entire system can be used to keep track of the water's electrical conductivity, also known as EC, and temperature. On an IoT server called Thingspeak, the EC & temperature values may be checked online from any location in the world.

Why do we need to know our water quality

  • Human Health: The WHO reports that over 80% of diseases are due to drinking contaminated water. Effective water quality monitoring and management ensure that drinking water is safe and not contaminated.
  • Wildlife Protection: Monitoring water quality helps in identifying pollutants and sources of pollution. That way, stressors to aquatic life can be identified and addressed.
  • Sustainability: Waterbodies that have been impacted by heavy development and land usage may be negatively impacted and water quality left impaired. Monitoring and management can be an effective tool to increase water quality and maintain a healthy waterbody.
  • Public Health: Good water monitoring and management ensure that water is clean and safe and that aquatic ecosystems are functioning optimally. It protects public health.

2. Hardware description & implementation

ESP32 Board

Water resistant sensor DS18B20

Arduino compatible analog TDS meter

2.1 Implementation:

Project Connection Diagram

[ | Image Source]]

Real Life Connection

3. Software description & implementation

Arduino IDE

The IoT-based drinking water quality monitoring software with ESP32's source code was created using the Arduino IDE and C/C++. In this project, the code makes extensive use of the following libraries:

Visual Studio Code

Used for this project's front-end development. Used coding languages include HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.

Firebase Web Console

Is a backend platform for creating Web, Android, and iOS applications. It provides a hosting platform, many APIs, a real-time database, and various methods of authentication.

Why was Firebase chosen

Features used

4. Challenges

During the elaboration of this project I've encountered some challenges:

  1. ESP32 / Wifi ADC GPIO limitation: The GPIO ports linked to the ADC2 does not function when the board's WiFi is active. It was crucial to connect the TDS meter to an ADC in order to interpret the data.
    Solution: discovered a GPIO port connected to ADC1 that functioned with WiFi turned on.
  2. Firebase / JSON: In order to rewrite the JavaScript template code to meet the objectives of the project, the majority of the debugging time in this project was devoted to understanding how it operated.

5. Conclusions

This project gives a brief overview of the challenges facing the IoT sector. These are only a few challenges faced in creating these little initiatives with enormous impact, such as choosing the best hardware, making sure all of its components work, and working out how to communicate the acquired data to a large user base.

6. Resources

Arduino Code TDS meter with ESP32 DS18B20 with ESP32 From ESP32 to Firebase

Web app Make your data available around the world