Table of Contents

Smart Home Bluetooth System

Student: Ionescu Sergiu, ACES
Code archive:

1. Introduction. Description of the project

The purpose of this project was to make a basic smart home system using wireless communication between the nodes. The architecture is based on the IoT level 5. Furthermore, the project constitutes the basics for a bigger future project. I will basically have one node monitoring the living room and one node monitoring the kitchen ( so far ). They will communicate with a gateway node using bluetooth, which is a raspberry pi pico w system at its base. However, the raspberry pi pico was not powerful enough to maintain the control for the entire system…so I needed the help of other 2 picos. In the future I plan to replace the picos with an Intel Nuc or a Raspberry Pi. The data that was collected was stored in a Google Firebase and could be monitorized accesing the database using any PC or using an Android app that I made using MIT APP inventor.

The 2 nodes that are monitoring the rooms have the following utilities :

2. Hardware components and wiring

The hardware components needed for this project are:


               fig.1 Controllers(Raspberry Pi PicoW, Arduino Nano, HC-05 Module)


                   fig.2 Sensors(HC-SR04, DHT11, TEMT6000, MQ135, LED-Strip)

The electric scheme of the project that I did is the following (done in

Controllers brief overview:

Sensors brief overview:

3. Software implementation and the overall logic

The DataBase used for this project was a RealTimeDataBase from FireBase. The data was structured in 3 categories :

The implementation consists of 6 main parts :

                        fig.3 Android APP structure. RealTimeDataBase Structure

A little description of the protocol used :

4. Demonstration

A video demonstrating the functionality of this project can be seen in the video from this archive:

5. Difficulties

There were many difficult parts in this project. Firstly I wanted to use NRF24l01 radio modules instead of the HC-05 modules, because they are more versatile. Unfortunately I did not manage to configure them correctly. After that, I had to learn the AT commands and how to configure the HC-05 modules. These was harder than it seemed due to many faulty wire connections I had on my breadboard. There was also some learning curve trying to understand how work with the Picos, APP inventor and the FireBase. I met various connectivity issues and the Picos ran of out RAM. Again I had many problems with my breadboards with many faulty connections and I needed to do various hardware debugs using my multimeter. Moreover, the Picos were not as fast as I expected, and it took them too much time to read or write to the database.

6. Overlook and conclusion

The proposed project has reached its goal mainly. I managed to do an IoT level 5 based system. I learned how to design and think such system, how to work with databases and what should I take into consideration when making multiple nodes communicating with each other. However, the many difficulties I encountered stopped this project from becoming fully functional. Too many Picos connected to the internet means more exposure to hacking, and slow performing times sometimes takes from the usefulness. All in all, it was a great learning experience and I am looking forward to improve this system in order to be safely used in any home.

7. Resources