03. [30p] Writing a Dockerfile

  1. go to the node_app folder from the lab archive, which contains the source files for a simple NodeJS application
  2. write a Dockerfile that will be used to create an image by following the steps below:
    1. start from the latest version of the official NodeJS image, node:21-alpine3.18
    2. copy the file package.json from the local host to the current directory in the new image (./); this file is intended to specify the dependencies of the NodeJS application (for example, the Express.js framework)
    3. run the command npm install to install the dependencies in the file from the previous step
    4. copy the source file server.js to the working directory /usr/src/app/
    5. expose port 8080
    6. set the command to run the application; you will run the node binary to execute the /usr/src/app/server.js file
  3. use the previously written Dockerfile to create an image called mynodeimage
  4. start a container running image mynodeimage on port 12345 in detached (daemon) mode
  5. verify that your application works correctly by going to http://localhost:12345 (you should see a “Hello World” text)