Table of Contents

DeFi - Introduction to Liquidity Pools

Liquidity pools are crucial for peer-to-peer trading in DeFi. Liquidity is the ability of an asset to be sold or exchanged quickly and without affecting the price. In other words, liquidity is a measure of how easily an asset can be converted.

Traditional exchanges use order books:

Q: What if I want to buy/sell large amounts?

Problem 1: Price moves for several levels.

Problem 2: There may not be enough liquidity.

Why are liquidity pools useful?

Liquidity Providers

Go to Devnet Wallet and use the Faucent tool to get some xEGLD.

Use Devnet Maiar DEX to be a liquidity provider:

  1. Login with your wallet;
  2. Go to Swap tab;
  3. Swap 1 EGLD to USDC. Who provided the USDC for you to swap?
  4. Go to Liquidity tab;
  5. Add Liquidity: Use EGLD and USDC tokens;
  6. Perform several swaps;
  7. Remove Liquidity;
  8. Compare tokens in (provided when added liquidity) to tokens out (obtained when removed liquidity). If swaps were made in between, you should have gained some value from fees.