Table of Contents

Non-Fungible Tokens

The Elrond protocol introduces native NFT support by adding metadata and attributes on top of the already existing ESDT. This way, one can issue a semi-fungible token or a non-fungible token which is quite similar to an ESDT, but has a few more attributes, as well as an assignable URI. Once owning a quantity of a NFT/SFT, users will have their data store directly under their account, inside the trie.

The flow of issuing and transferring non-fungible or semi-fungible tokens is:

  1. register/issue the collection
  2. set roles to the address that will create the NFT/SFTs
  3. create the NFT/SFT
  4. transfer quantity(es)

You can use this tool for conversion.

Issuance of Non-Fungible Tokens

One has to perform an issuance transaction in order to register a non-fungible token. Non-Fungible Tokens are issued via a request to the Metachain, which is a transaction submitted by the Account which will manage the tokens. When issuing a token, one must provide a token name, a ticker and optionally additional properties.

IssuanceTransaction {
    Sender: <account address of the token manager>
    Receiver: erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqpqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqzllls8a5w6u
    Value: 50000000000000000 # (0.05 EGLD)
    GasLimit: 60000000
    Data: "issueNonFungible" +
          "@" + <token name in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <token ticker in hexadecimal encoding>

Optionally, the properties can be set when issuing a token. Example:

IssuanceTransaction {
    Sender: <account address of the token manager>
    Receiver: erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqpqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqzllls8a5w6u
    Value: 50000000000000000 # (0.05 EGLD)
    GasLimit: 60000000
    Data: "issueNonFungible" +
          "@" + <token name in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <token ticker in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <"canFreeze" hexadecimal encoded> + "@" + <"true" or "false" hexadecimal encoded> +
          "@" + <"canWipe" hexadecimal encoded> + "@" + <"true" or "false" hexadecimal encoded> +
          "@" + <"canPause" hexadecimal encoded> + "@" + <"true" or "false" hexadecimal encoded> +
          "@" + <"canTransferNFTCreateRole" hexadecimal encoded> + "@" + <"true" or "false" hexadecimal encoded> +
          "@" + <"canChangeOwner" hexadecimal encoded> + "@" + <"true" or "false" hexadecimal encoded> +
          "@" + <"canUpgrade" hexadecimal encoded> + "@" + <"true" or "false" hexadecimal encoded> +
          "@" + <"canAddSpecialRoles" hexadecimal encoded> + "@" + <"true" or "false" hexadecimal encoded> +

The receiver address erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqpqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqzllls8a5w6u is a built-in system smart contract (not a VM-executable contract), which only handles token issuance and other token management operations, and does not handle any transfers. The contract will add a random string to the ticker thus creating the token identifier. The random string starts with “-” and has 6 more random characters. For example, a token identifier could look like ALC-6258d2.

Issuance of Semi-Fungible Tokens

One has to perform an issuance transaction in order to register a semi-fungible token. Semi-Fungible Tokens are issued via a request to the Metachain, which is a transaction submitted by the Account which will manage the tokens. When issuing a semi-fungible token, one must provide a token name, a ticker and optionally additional properties.

IssuanceTransaction {
    Sender: <account address of the token manager>
    Receiver: erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqpqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqzllls8a5w6u
    Value: 50000000000000000 # (0.05 EGLD)
    GasLimit: 60000000
    Data: "issueSemiFungible" +
          "@" + <token name in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <token ticker in hexadecimal encoding>

Issue your own SFT or NFT.

NFT Roles

In order to be able to perform actions over a token, one needs to have roles assigned. The existing roles are:

For NFT:

For SFT:

Roles can be assigned by sending a transaction to the Metachain from the ESDT manager. Within a transaction of this kind, any number of roles can be assigned (minimum 1).

RolesAssigningTransaction {
    Sender: <address of the ESDT manager>
    Receiver: erd1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqpqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqzllls8a5w6u
    Value: 0
    GasLimit: 60000000
    Data: "setSpecialRole" +
          "@" + <token identifier in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <address to assign the role(s) in a hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <role in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <role in hexadecimal encoding> +

NFT/SFT Fields

Fields of an NFT/SFT:

Creation of an NFT

NFTCreationTransaction {
    Sender: <address with ESDTRoleNFTCreate role>
    Receiver: <same as sender>
    Value: 0
    GasLimit: 3000000 + Additional gas (see below)
    Data: "ESDTNFTCreate" +
          "@" + <token identifier in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <initial quantity in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <NFT name in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <Royalties in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <Hash in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <Attributes in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <URI in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <URI in hexadecimal encoding> +

Create your own NFT.

Example of NFT Creation:

    Sender: <address with ESDTRoleNFTCreate role>
    Receiver: <same as sender>
    Value: 0
    GasLimit: 3000000
    Data: "ESDTNFTCreate" +
          "@414c432d317132773365" +  # previously fetched token identifier
          "@01" + # quantity: 1
          "@42656175746966756c20736f6e67" + # NFT name: 'Beautiful song' in hexadecimal encoding
          "@1d4c" + # Royalties: 7500 =75%c in hexadecimal encoding
          "@00" + # Hash: 00 in hexadecimal encoding
          "@6d657461646174613a697066734349442f736f6e672e6a736f6e3b746167733a736f6e672c62656175746966756c2c6d75736963" + # Attributes: metadata:ipfsCID/song.json;tags:song,beautiful,music   in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@55524c5f746f5f646563656e7472616c697a65645f73746f726167652f736f6e672e6d7033" + # URI: URL_to_decentralized_storage/song.mp3 in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <additional optional URI in hexadecimal encoding> +

Other management operations

Transfer NFT Creation Role, Stop NFT creation, Change NFT Attributes, Add URIs to NFT, Wiping a single NFT, etc..

Transfer NFT

TransferTransaction {
    Sender: <account address of the sender>
    Receiver: <same as sender>
    Value: 0
    GasLimit: 1000000 + length of Data field in bytes * 1500
    Data: "ESDTNFTTransfer" +
          "@" + <collection identifier in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <the NFT nonce in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <quantity to transfer in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <destination address in hexadecimal encoding>

Transfer your NFT to erd1xex9ptczwwce4w9zejpjranj6mt8q5sqseenfj7ym55gfcpgq7cq5e9amz.

Transfer to a Smart Contract

TransferTransaction {
    Sender: <account address of the sender>
    Receiver: <same as sender>
    Value: 0
    GasLimit: 1000000 + extra for smart contract call
    Data: "ESDTNFTTransfer" +
          "@" + <collection identifier in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <the nonce after the NFT creation in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <quantity to transfer in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <destination address in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <name of method to call in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <first argument of the method in hexadecimal encoding> +
          "@" + <second argument of the method in hexadecimal encoding> +