05. [20p] Windows API

For this task we will use the project skeleton inside the Task-05 folder.

:!: We want to create a simple Console Task Manager with functions from PSAPI.

This simple Task Manager will print two CSV tables. The first will contain system information provided by PSAPI. The second will print memory information for any accessible process and their name.

This list of functions from PSAPI should catch your eye:

Follow the hints inside the skeleton to see how you will put them all together.

If everything goes smoothly you should see these two CSV tables in your console:

System Data
 CommitTotal, CommitLimit, CommitPeak, PhysicalTotal, PhysicalAvailable, SystemCache, KernelTotal, KernelPaged, KernelNonpaged, PageSize, HandleCount, ProcessCount, ThreadCount
 783370, 3211133, 876957, 1572733, 905287, 917590, 110538, 65666, 44872, 4096, 55952, 150, 1401
Process Data
 ProcessName, PageFaultCount, PeakWorkingSetSize, WorkingSetSize, QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage, QuotaPagedPoolUsage, QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage, QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage, PagefileUsage, PeakPagefileUsage
 sihost.exe, 11355, 24620, 14116, 250, 235, 19, 17, 5812, 6180
 svchost.exe, 17407, 16264, 8996, 160, 160, 14, 14, 5104, 5480
 svchost.exe, 17702, 29644, 15852, 278, 264, 26, 20, 6448, 7312
 taskhostw.exe, 9978, 16236, 9260, 183, 179, 30, 28, 6580, 7140
 explorer.exe, 363502, 143464, 116820, 1189, 1073, 124, 102, 62260, 85940
 svchost.exe, 13452, 20052, 15104, 238, 235, 16, 16, 3956, 4112
 StartMenuExperienceHost.exe, 24412, 65908, 22660, 574, 536, 32, 27, 19304, 23456
 RuntimeBroker.exe, 12519, 25888, 6088, 254, 213, 20, 16, 5320, 7440
 SearchUI.exe, 219211, 230984, 196976, 1070, 989, 119, 107, 140180, 155912
 RuntimeBroker.exe, 54907, 48524, 45580, 533, 440, 42, 32, 19536, 22592
 SkypeApp.exe, 13196, 42504, 7800, 453, 453, 37, 37, 14156, 14216
 SkypeBackgroundHost.exe, 3378, 11908, 1320, 124, 124, 8, 8, 2004, 2176
 RuntimeBroker.exe, 15080, 20336, 11592, 256, 193, 20, 15, 3340, 4936
 SecurityHealthSystray.exe, 2742, 8808, 2256, 149, 144, 10, 9, 1736, 1896
 vmtoolsd.exe, 66129, 39368, 28588, 316, 302, 30, 29, 19000, 30292
 OneDrive.exe, 26632, 73076, 23408, 527, 506, 67, 48, 21124, 34376
 RuntimeBroker.exe, 5798, 16256, 3384, 173, 162, 12, 11, 2440, 3088
 svchost.exe, 3619, 12040, 3236, 153, 152, 15, 14, 2940, 3304
 MyTaskManager.exe, 893, 3256, 3104, 26, 26, 5, 4, 1336, 1336
 msvsmon.exe, 5289, 20004, 20000, 464, 464, 14, 14, 141756, 141756