Table of Contents

Processor protection domains

In this section, we try to summarize some of the traditional reponsibilities of a CPU. If you are already acquainted with them (or some), feel free to skim past them!

x86 protection modes

Primarily developing for x86, you may be familiar with its protection rings, or at least with two of them: the ones traditionally used for the separation between user-space and kernel-space. When the x86' architecture was first introduced in the late '70s, the designers expected OS developers to need a mechanism to isolate critical components (e.g.: drivers) from regular applications. As a result, they implemented four levels of isolation (that the OS developers more or less ignored :D ):

A special System Call instruction is required to get from a lower-privileged level to a higher one. It is usually implemented as a software interrupt / trap by the CPU and, when invoked by, e.g., a user program, it will pause and save its CPU state on the stack (program counter, flags) and invoke a special routine registered by the Operating System. The OS kernel will be passed control to and begin to analyze (via a standardized calling convention) and execute the request (such as read from / write to the filesystem / disk / network / USB devices etc. – which the application would not normally be privileged enough to accomplish; remember: hardware access is quite restricted from upper rings).

Virtual Memory, paging and address translation

Pagination (see Fig. 1) is an architectural feature of all modern processors that allows the Operating System to present each process a different view of its memory. When said process tries to access a page (e.g., 4KB block), the address is translated by the Memory Management Unit (MMU), a hardware component, by means of a data structure called Page Table, unique to each process and residing in kernel memory. This allows the kernel to obscure parts of memory (e.g.: that of other processes) as a means of isolation. Or to over-commit resources, only to actually allocate them when needed (e.g.: malloc()-ed memory is assigned to the process only after it is first accessed).

Figure 1: Translation of a virtual address to its physical equivalent via the Memory Management Unit. Each process has its own unique view of how objects were loaded in memory. At the same time, the kernel appears the same to all processes.

Because changing the active Page Table is an expensive operation (mostly due to CPU cache invalidation), the Virtual Address Space of each process also contains the kernel memory mapped in the higher half. Yes, the kernel also uses virtual addressing for its own memory. When the kernel needs to intervene on behalf of the unprivileged process (e.g.: when a System Call is performed), the CPU state transitions from Ring 3 to Ring 0, but the Page Table does not need to be switched out. Although this technique increases the overall system performance, it also raises a question: how do we stop an unprivileged process from accessing kernel memory, since it's already mapped in its virtual address space?

The answer is that, aside from information relevant to the address translation itself, the Page Table also contains access restrictions. Each memory transaction that leads to an address translation also presents its intent, e.g.: whether it wants to write data to memory, or fetch an instruction to execute. This allows the MMU to block such access depending on the Read-Write-Execute permissions associated with each page. However, this is only one example of restriction that can be enforced. The Page Table can also restrict access based on privilege levels. Unfortunately, the architecture defines only two such levels: Privileged (Rings 0-2) and unprivileged (Ring 3).

Fun fact, if you're wondering why Rings 1 and 2 were abandoned: originally, when the x86 CPU was designed, it didn't have the memory pagination feature, but a precursor called segmentation (which, thankfully, we'll not cover here). A segment stored the maximum privilege level it could be accessed from using two bits (thus values 0–3), so he CPU could fully check for permissions for any of its Rings. But, because sacrificing performance only to restrict access to a few privileged instructions was simply not worth it, these mechanics were not continued for the page table, thus the other two rings lost their advantages and were forsaken.

Nonetheless, the two inner protection rings are still implemented on x86 CPUs to this day. The question is: why? Based the announcement of the new x86s architecture that's supposed to eliminate 16-bit and 32-bit modes of 64-bit processors, it's safe to rule out backward compatibility. The real reason is probably that it's just cheaper this way (changing the logic design of a processor is risky, requires extensive testing and very costly prototyping).

Want to know more curiositis about the x86 privilege levels? Check this out!

Want to know more curiositis about the x86 privilege levels? Check this out!

Because a CPU architecture never stops evolving, new protection modes and extensions had to be added along the way. Some more unnerving than others:

  1. Ring -1: The Hypervisor Mode. A CPU state that integrates with other extensions (e.g.: Two Stage Address Translations, IOMMU) in order to manage guest Virtual Machines more efficiently.
  2. Ring -2: The System Management Engine. When entering this mode, the execution of any currently running program (including the Hypervisor) is suspended. Control is passed either to an alternate OS usually residing in proprietary firmware, or to a hardware debugger.
  3. Ring -3: The Intel Management Engine is a co-processor that is always active as long as the motherboard has a power source (not even line power; the internal battery is sufficient). Although its functionality is not publicly documented, reverse engineers have figured out that it enforces Verified Boot and has DRM and TPM functionalities.
  4. Ring -4: A deeply embedded core that was discovered in some Intel CPUs and was presented at BlackHat 2018. This is essentially a hidden co-processor that shares an execution pipeline and some of its registers with the main processor. A transition to this mode can be performed from by a knowledgeable attacker from any privilege levels, including ring3. While in ring-4, the executing (normally unprivileged code) presumably has access to all system resources, similarly to ring-3.

Finally, please note that, although we described the virtual memory mechanisms of x86, the concepts are really the same for all other architectures (of course, the configuration registers and page entry structure will differ, but they all share a common feature set)!

ARM exception levels

In ARM's nomenclature, the CPU protection modes are called Exception Levels. Although they are analogous to x86's rings, they feature two significant improvements: first, the standardization of the most important modes for userspace, kernel space and hypervisor (for running multiple OSes in Virtual Machines); second, a secure separation between Secure and Non-Secure Worlds, but this will be discussed in Lecture 03.

Figure 2: ARM Exception Levels.

Usually, there are three exception levels:

But, with the introduction of the ARM TrustZone security extensions, [almost] all of these modes were vertically partitioned into two security domains. To make it possible to switch between them, a new Exception Level – EL3 (the Secure Monitor) – was added.

Bonus: if can't wait until Lecture 03 in order to find out about ARM's Trusted Execution features, expand!

Bonus: if can't wait until Lecture 03 in order to find out about ARM's Trusted Execution features, expand!

On the Secure World side, we've got:

  • S-EL0: In this mode, Trusted Applications (TA) are being executed. TAs are system-critical functions that can be invoked from anywhere in the Non-Secure World (e.g.: encrypting application data when it needs to be saved to persistent storage; can be done explicitly by the application or implicitly by the kernel driver). We'll take a look at how TAs are written in the second lab.
  • S-EL1: This is the Trusted OS. Similarly to a regular OS, it manages access to (some) devices such as the Trusted Platform Module (TPM). Additionally, it must be able to interpret TA invocations from the Non-Secure World while providing the TAs functionalities similar to what Linux offers to its processes via system calls. For example, if a TA wants to open a file in a secure disk partition, by running in user space it will not have direct access to the File System Layer or the underlying block device. Secure or Non-Secure, it still runs in an unprivileged processor state, without access to the hardware.
  • EL3: The Secure Monitor acts as a bridge between the Secure and Non-Secure Worlds. All TA invocations are performed by means of a Secure Monitor Call (SMC). Think of SMCs as a system calls that instead of transitioning from EL0 to EL1, they reach the TAs the following way: NS-EL0 → NS-EL1 → NS-EL2 → EL3 → S-EL1 → S-EL0.

Although chances are you haven't heard of it, Intel had a similar solution called the Software Guard Extension (SGX). This extension was meant to protect small amounts (~72MB) of sensitive (user space) application data and code from a potentially malicious OS. This was realized by restricting access to the protected memory ranges (Enclaves) to code that already resided in the Enclave. Additionally, calls to Enclave functions could be made only via a strictly enforced API defined by the user at compile time; so no arbitrary jumps after a return to libc. There are numerous reasons why this technology failed. The main one would be that it did not work. Researchers have found dozens of ways to break the isolation guarantees that SGX was supposed to offer, most of them relying on side channels attacks (i.e.: deducing user secrets by observing how the target process influences the system). Coupled with the lack of isolation for privileged code that ARM offers (S-EL1) and the fact that Intel's remote attestation of SGX-capable CPUs and secure applications could not be offloaded to third parties, more or less guaranteed its fade from relevance.