import base64 import os from random import randint from Crypto.Cipher import AES from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend backend = default_backend() from math import ceil def split_bytes_in_blocks(x, blocksize): nb_blocks = ceil(len(x)/blocksize) return [x[blocksize*i:blocksize*(i+1)] for i in range(nb_blocks)] def pkcs7_padding(message, block_size): padding_length = block_size - ( len(message) % block_size ) if padding_length == 0: padding_length = block_size padding = bytes([padding_length]) * padding_length return message + padding def pkcs7_strip(data): padding_length = data[-1] return data[:- padding_length] def encrypt_aes_128_ecb(msg, key): padded_msg = pkcs7_padding(msg, block_size=16) cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.ECB(), backend=backend) encryptor = cipher.encryptor() return encryptor.update(padded_msg) + encryptor.finalize() def decrypt_aes_128_ecb(ctxt, key): cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.ECB(), backend=backend) decryptor = cipher.decryptor() decrypted_data = decryptor.update(ctxt) + decryptor.finalize() message = pkcs7_strip(decrypted_data) return message # You are not suppose to see this class Oracle: def __init__(self): self.key = 'Mambo NumberFive'.encode() self.prefix = 'PREF'.encode() = base64.b64decode( #You are suppose to break this "Q2xhcCB5b3VyIGhhbmQgb25jZSBhbmQgY2xhcCB5b3VyIGhhbmRzIHR3aWNlCkFuZCBpZiBpdCBsb29rcyBsaWtlIHRoaXMgdGhlbiB5b3UgZG9pbmcgaXQgcmlnaHQ=" ) def encrypt(self, message): return encrypt_aes_128_ecb( self.prefix + message +, self.key ) def findBlockSize(): initialLength = len(Oracle().encrypt(b'')) i = 0 while 1: # Feed identical bytes of your-string to the function 1 at a time until you get the block length #You will also need to determine here the size of fixed prefix + target + pad #And the minimum size of the plaintext to make a new block length = len(Oracle().encrypt(b'X'*i)) i+=1 return blockSize, sizeOfTheFixedPrefixPlusTarget, minimumSizeToAlighPlaintext def findPrefixSize(block_size): previous_blocks = None #Find the situation where prefix_size + padding_size - 1 = block_size ### Use split_bytes_in_blocks to get blocks of size(block_size) return prefix_size def recoverOneByteAtATime(blockSize, prefixSize, targetSize): know_target_bytes = b"" for _ in range(targetSize): # r+p+k+1 = 0 mod B r = prefixSize k = len(know_target_bytes) padding_length = (-k-1-r) % blockSize padding = b"X" * padding_length # target block plaintext contains only known characters except its last character # trying every possibility for the last character print(know_target_bytes.decode()) #Find block size, prefix size, and length of plaintext size to allign blocks blockSize, sizeOfTheFixedPrefixPlusTarget, minimumSizeToAlighPlaintext = findBlockSize(); #Find size of the prefix prefixSize = findPrefixSize(blockSize) #Size of the target targetSize = sizeOfTheFixedPrefixPlusTarget - minimumSizeToAlighPlaintext - prefixSize recoverOneByteAtATime(blockSize, prefixSize, targetSize)