from donna25519 import * import os from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes import struct import socket import hashlib import hmac from math import ceil O_NUM = 10 # number of initial One-Time Pre Keys hash_len = 32 def hmac_sha256(key, data): return, data, hashlib.sha256).digest() def hkdf(length, ikm, salt = b""): """Parameters: length: output length in bytes ikm: input key material """ prk = hmac_sha256(salt, ikm) t = b"" okm = b"" for i in range(int(ceil(1.0 * length / hash_len))): t = hmac_sha256(prk, t + bytes([1+i])) okm += t return okm[:length] class ClientSession: def __init__(self, root_key, chain_key_s, chain_key_r, eph_own, eph_peer): self.root_key = root_key self.chain_key_s = chain_key_s self.chain_key_r = chain_key_r self.eph_own = eph_own self.eph_peer = eph_peer def update_keys(self, eph_peer): """Performs vertical ratcheting Updates root & chain keys to match peer's (for decrypting its messages) Then updates root & chain keys again with fresh ephemereal key (for encrypting my messages) """ self.eph_peer = eph_peer # Update RootKey & receiving ChainKey # TODO 2 Obtain new root_key and chain_key_r from hkdf over # DH(eph_own, eph_peer) and root_key (can be used as salt parameter in hkdf) self.root_key = "" self.chain_key_r = "" # Update RootKey & sending ChainKey self.eph_own = None # TODO 2 Generate new ephemereal key pair # TODO 2 Obtain new root_key and chain_key_s from hkdf over # DH(eph_own, eph_peer) and root_key (can be used as salt parameter in hkdf) self.root_key = "" self.chain_key_s = "" class Client: def __init__(self, server_ip, server_port): self.I = PrivateKey() # Identity Key Pair self.S = PrivateKey() # Signed Pre Key self.O_queue = [PrivateKey() for i in range(O_NUM)] # One-Time Pre Keys self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.s.connect((server_ip, server_port)) self.user_id = self.register() # self.existing_sessions[user_id] = session with that user (ClientSession) self.existing_sessions = {} # initially no existing session def register(self): """Lets the server know about its presence""" # TODO 1.1 send public keys of I, S and the list of O to the server # e.g. self.s.send(self.I.get_public().public) # You may also print a log message, e.g. print "Sent I = " + self.I.get_public().public.hex() # You can send the list of O by first sending its length and then the keys one by one # use struct.pack('!i', my_int) to send 4 byte signed integers # receive your user id from the server (might need later) # use struct.unpack('!i', received_int)[0] to get an integer # e.g. struct.unpack('!i', self.s.recv(4))[0] user_id = 0 # TODO 1.1 change with received user id print("Got User ID = %d" % user_id) return user_id def get_send_message_key(self, peer_user_id): """Gets sending MessageKey using ChainKey from peer_user_id's ClientSession""" session = self.existing_sessions[peer_user_id] # TODO 2 Generate message_key from chain_key_s (session.chain_key_s) # message_key = HMAC_SHA256(ChainKey, 0x01) message_key = None # TODO 2 Update chain_key_s # ChainKey = HMAC_SHA256(ChainKey, 0x02) session.chain_key_s = None return message_key def get_recv_message_key(self, peer_user_id): """Gets MessageKey using ChainKey from peer_user_id's ClientSession""" session = self.existing_sessions[peer_user_id] # TODO 2 Generate message_key from chain_key_r (session.chain_key_r) # message_key = HMAC_SHA256(ChainKey, 0x01) message_key = None # TODO 2 Update chain_key_r # ChainKey = HMAC_SHA256(ChainKey, 0x02) session.chain_key = None return message_key def pad_message(self, message): pad_number = (-len(message)) % 16 if pad_number == 0: pad_number += 16 message += ''.join([chr(pad_number) for i in xrange(pad_number)]) return message def unpad_message(self, message): pad_number = ord(message[-1]) message = message[:-pad_number] return message def send_message(self, to_user_id, message): """Sends a message to user with id If there is no existing ClientSession between them, they create one """ if to_user_id not in self.existing_sessions: self.setup_session(to_user_id) self.s.send(b"SEND") self.s.send(struct.pack('!i', to_user_id)) # Get MessageKey for next message message_key = self.get_send_message_key(to_user_id) # Encrypt message using MessageKey iv = os.urandom(16) cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(message_key), modes.CBC(iv)) encryptor = cipher.encryptor() message = self.pad_message(message) enc_message = encryptor.update(message) + encryptor.finalize() # TODO 2 Send own ephemereal public key (get it from the ClientSession with to_user_id) session = self.existing_sessions[to_user_id] raw_eph_own = session.eph_own.get_public().public # TODO 2 Send encrypted message length to server # TODO 2 Send encrypted message to server def recv_message(self): """Receives a message It can be either from a new session exchange (tag=NEWS), or an actual message(tag=MESG)""" tag = self.s.recv(4) if tag == "NEWS": # NEW Session ini_user_id = struct.unpack('!i', self.s.recv(4))[0] self.setup_session_rec(ini_user_id) tag = self.s.recv(4) if tag == "MESG": # message incoming # Get sender user id sender_user_id = struct.unpack('!i', self.s.recv(4))[0] # Get ephemereal key raw_eph_peer = self.s.recv(32) session = self.existing_sessions[sender_user_id] # TOD2 3 If received eph_peer is unknown (different than the one stored in the # ClientSession), update the keys # The first time current eph_peer will be None, so make sure you update in that # case also if False: # change with actual condition eph_peer = PublicKey(raw_eph_peer) session.update_keys(eph_peer) # Get message length mlen = struct.unpack('!i', self.s.recv(4))[0] # Get message enc_message = self.s.recv(mlen) # Decrypt message using MessageKey message_key = self.get_recv_message_key(sender_user_id) iv = enc_message[:16] enc_message = enc_message[16:] cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(message_key), modes.CBC(iv)) decryptor = cipher.decryptor() msg = decryptor.update(enc_message) + decryptor.finalize() msg = self.unpad_message(msg) return msg def record_new_client_session(self, master_secret, client_id, eph_peer = None): """Forges RootKey and ChainKey from master_secret and stores them in a ClientSession which is then put in the existing_sessions dictionary""" root_key = master_secret # master_secret is considered as the base root key if eph_peer: # initiator considers Srec as initial peer ephemereal key eph_own = PrivateKey() # Generate new send ephemereal key # TODO 2 Get root_key and chain_key_s with hkdf over DH(eph_own, eph_peer) and # master secret root_key = "" chain_key_s = "" chain_key_r = None # Will initialize with first received message else: # the non-initiator (first receiver) will enter this branch eph_own = self.S # initiator considers receiver's S as first "ephemereal" key chain_key_s = None chain_key_r = None new_client_session = ClientSession(root_key, chain_key_s, chain_key_r, eph_own, eph_peer) self.existing_sessions[client_id] = new_client_session def setup_session(self, to_user_id): """Initiates a new session with to_user_id""" self.s.send(b"GENS") # GENerate Session command self.s.send(struct.pack('!i', to_user_id)) resp = self.s.recv(4) if resp == "FAIL": print("User does not exist") return False # TODO 1.1 Get Irec (done), Srec, Orec from server Irec = PublicKey(self.s.recv(32)) # Srec = ... # Prec = ... # TODO 1.1 Generate Eini (ephemeral private key of initiator) # Eini = ... (see above for function to retrieve ephemeral private key) # TODO 1.1 Compute master_secret from DH(Iini, Srec), DH(Eini, Irec), DH(Eini, Srec), DH(Eini, Orec) # See method do_exchange in donna library: # Use '+' to concatenate output of various DH exchanges master_secret = "" print(master_secret.hex()) # TODO 1.2 Send Eini to the other client (through server) # Generate new ClientSession using master_secret self.record_new_client_session(master_secret, to_user_id, Srec) def setup_session_rec(self, from_user_id): """Receives a new session with from_user_id""" # TODO 1.2 Receive initiator's public keys Eini, Iini and Orec_pub Eini = PublicKey(self.s.recv(32)) # Iini = ... # Orec_pub = ... # TODO 1.2 Get private Orec from my O_queue based on received public Orec and then remove from O_queue # TODO 1.2 Compute master_secret from DH(Iini, Srec), DH(Eini, Irec), DH(Eini, Srec), DH(Eini, Orec) # See above, in method setup_session master_secret = "" print(master_secret.hex()) # Generate new ClientSession using master_secret self.record_new_client_session(master_secret, from_user_id)