import sys import random import string import time from Crypto.Cipher import AES import binascii IV = 'Hristos a inviat' def strxor(a, b): # xor two strings (trims the longer input) return "".join([chr(ord(x) ^ ord(y)) for (x, y) in zip(a, b)]) def hexxor(a, b): # xor two hex strings (trims the longer input) ha = a.decode('hex') hb = b.decode('hex') return "".join([chr(ord(x) ^ ord(y)).encode('hex') for (x, y) in zip(ha, hb)]) def bitxor(a, b): # xor two bit strings (trims the longer input) return "".join([str(int(x)^int(y)) for (x, y) in zip(a, b)]) def str2bin(ss): """ Transform a string (e.g. 'Hello') into a string of bits """ bs = '' for c in ss: bs = bs + bin(ord(c))[2:].zfill(8) return bs def str2int(ss): """ Transform a string (e.g. 'Hello') into a (long) integer by converting first to a bistream """ bs = str2bin(ss) li = int(bs, 2) return li def hex2bin(hs): """ Transform a hex string (e.g. 'a2') into a string of bits (e.g.10100010) """ bs = '' for c in hs: bs = bs + bin(int(c,16))[2:].zfill(4) return bs def bin2hex(bs): """ Transform a bit string into a hex string """ bv = int(bs,2) return int2hexstring(bv) def byte2bin(bval): """ Transform a byte (8-bit) value into a bitstring """ return bin(bval)[2:].zfill(8) def int2hexstring(bval): """ Transform an int value into a hexstring (even number of characters) """ hs = hex(bval)[2:] lh = len(hs) return hs.zfill(lh + lh%2) def check_cbcpad(c): """ Oracle for checking if a given ciphertext has correct CBC-padding. That is, it checks that the last n bytes all have the value n. Args: c is the ciphertext to be checked. Note: the key is supposed to be known just by the oracle. Return 1 if the pad is correct, 0 otherwise. """ ko = 'Sfantul Gheorghe' m = aes_dec_cbc(ko, c, IV) lm = len(m) lb = m[lm-1] if lb == 0 or lb > lm: return 0 for k in range(lb): if m[lm-1-k] != lb: return 0 return 1 def aes_enc(k, m): """ Encrypt a message m with a key k in ECB mode using AES as follows: c = AES(k, m) Args: m should be a bytestring multiple of 16 bytes (i.e. a sequence of characters such as 'Hello...' or '\x02\x04...') k should be a bytestring of length exactly 16 bytes. Return: The bytestring ciphertext c """ aes = c = aes.encrypt(m) return c def aes_dec(k, c): """ Decrypt a ciphertext c with a key k in ECB mode using AES as follows: m = AES(k, c) Args: c should be a bytestring multiple of 16 bytes (i.e. a sequence of characters such as 'Hello...' or '\x02\x04...') k should be a bytestring of length exactly 16 bytes. Return: The bytestring message m """ aes = m = aes.decrypt(c) return m def aes_enc_cbc(k, m, iv): """ Encrypt a message m with a key k in CBC mode using AES as follows: c = AES(k, m) Args: m should be a bytestring multiple of 16 bytes (i.e. a sequence of characters such as 'Hello...' or '\x02\x04...') k should be a bytestring of length exactly 16 bytes. iv should be a bytestring of length exactly 16 bytes. Return: The bytestring ciphertext c """ aes =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) c = aes.encrypt(m) return c def aes_dec_cbc(k, c, iv): """ Decrypt a ciphertext c with a key k in CBC mode using AES as follows: m = AES(k, c) Args: c should be a bytestring multiple of 16 bytes (i.e. a sequence of characters such as 'Hello...' or '\x02\x04...') k should be a bytestring of length exactly 16 bytes. iv should be a bytestring of length exactly 16 bytes. Return: The bytestring message m """ aes =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) m = aes.decrypt(c) return m def main(): # Find the message corresponding to this ciphertext by using the cbc-padding attack c = '553b43d4b821332868fece8149eea14a2b0a98c7bed43cc1cf75f4e778cb315dc1d928d0340e0aab4900ca8af9adaee761e2affa3e9996d81483e950b913492b' ct = binascii.unhexlify(c) #Check correct padding print ('Oracle check of pad = ' + str(check_cbcpad(ct))) # TODO: implement the CBC-padding attack to find the message corresponding to the above ciphertext # Note: you cannot use the key known by the oracle # You can use the known IV in order to recover the full message if __name__ == "__main__": main()