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iot [2019/10/05 14:01]
iot [2020/10/07 14:18] (current)
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-====== ​IoT Services and Architectures ​======+====== ​Internet of Things ​======
 Welcome to the Internet of Things Services and Architectures course. During the semester we will cover topics such as hardware, software, communication,​ cloud services and product design. Welcome to the Internet of Things Services and Architectures course. During the semester we will cover topics such as hardware, software, communication,​ cloud services and product design.
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   * [[iot:​echipa:​alexandru_radovici|Alexandru Radovici]], PhD   * [[iot:​echipa:​alexandru_radovici|Alexandru Radovici]], PhD
   * [[iot:​echipa:​ioana_culic|Ioana Culic]], PhD Student   * [[iot:​echipa:​ioana_culic|Ioana Culic]], PhD Student
-  * [[iot:​echipa:​alexandru_vaduva|Alexandru Vaduva]], PhD Student\+  * [[iot:​echipa:​alexandru_vaduva|Alexandru Vaduva]], PhD Student
 ===== Exam ===== ===== Exam =====
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   * Have 10 presences / team   * Have 10 presences / team
   * Have 5 individual presences   * Have 5 individual presences
 +Please signup for the exam with your project by filling out the [[https://​docs.google.com/​forms/​d/​e/​1FAIpQLSdeCn_ovATMrNGtC08pFWuUxDZ61wxLivuKUtJLxo8Eskk3vA/​viewform?​usp=sf_link|form]]
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 Wyliodrin STUDIO may be downloaded or used online at [[https://​wyliodrin.studio|this link]]. Wyliodrin STUDIO may be downloaded or used online at [[https://​wyliodrin.studio|this link]].
 +===== Equipment =====
 +Please bring with you one SD Card with 8GB or more for each team.
iot.txt ยท Last modified: 2020/10/07 14:18 by alexandru.radovici
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