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Lab 03 - Android Interfaces

LinearLayout is a view group that aligns all children in a single direction, vertically or horizontally. You can specify the layout direction with the android:orientation attribute.
LinearLayout has one goal: lay out children in a single row or column (depending if the android:orientation is horizontal or vertical).
Other Layouts: RelativeLayout, FrameLayout, GridLayout, CoordinatorLayout etc

Fill_parent(renamed MATCH_PARENT in API Level 8 and higher) vs Wrap_content
- Setting the layout of a widget to fill_parent will force it to expand to take up as much space as available within the layout element it's been placed in. It's the rough equivalent to setting the dockstyle of a Windows Form Control to Fill.
- Setting a View's size to wrap_content will force it to expand only far enough to contain the values (or child controls) it contains. For controls – like text boxes (TextView) or images (ImageView) – this will wrap the text or image being shown.

Difference Between OnClickListener vs OnClick:
OnClickListener is what waits for someone to actually click on the element while onclick determines what happens after the click
An OnClickListener enables you to separate the action/behavior of the click event from the View that triggers the event.
Since OnClickListener is an interface, the class that implements it has flexibilities in determining the instance variables and methods that it needs in order to handle the event.

Lately, android added a xml attribute to views called android:onclick, that can be used to handle clicks directly in the view's activity without the need to implement any interface.
The onClick function binding in XML Layout is a binding between onClick and the function that it calls. The function needs to have one argument (the View) in order for onClick to function.

example :
setOnClickListener Code Implementation:

  Button btn = (Button) findViewById(;
  btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
      public void onClick(View v) {
  // some more code
  public void myFancyMethod(View v) {
      // does something very interesting

XML Implementation:

  <Button android:id="@+id/mybutton"
      android:text="Click me!"
      android:onClick="myFancyMethod" />

System logs are the most important information that DDMS can provide.
System logs describe all the actions performed by the device, the exceptions that occurred, and the information required for troubleshooting. The logs will appear in the panel named LogCat (do not confuse with Console). Each message in this list is accompanied by the following data (each one per column):

- Type of message

- Time - Date and time at which the message was written
- PID - The ID of the process that generated the message
- Tag - Label or category of message (useful for filters)
- Message - the actual message (text)


Ex 1 A) Create a new app. Transform the layout into a LinearLayout with orientation vertical.
B) Add two Buttons with width match_parent and height wrap_content.
On click the first one should show a message using the Toast.

For the first button use the android:onClick=“push” – with push function
For the second button use the set on click listener.

 Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this,"You pushed the button from on create", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
 Toast.makeText(this, "You pushed the button from push function", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Ex 2 In the onCreate function, write logs (Verbose, Debug, Info, Warning, Error). View them using Logcat (The Logcat window in Android Studio displays system messages, such as when a garbage collection occurs.
It displays messages in real time and keeps a history so you can view older messages)
The tag of a system.log message is a short string indicating the system component from which the message originates.

 Logcat message format : Log.d(tag, message)

Ex 3 Create an activity overwritten by the following event features. Display a log message with the Event Tag in each of these features. The log message text must contain the name of the event.
For example, in onCreate() you can display a text message called onCreate ().


Ex 4 Write Logs in all the functions above and turn off the app. View them in Logcat